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Too late to start revising?

Guys do you think is too late to actually revise now? I feel like I am not revising enough as exams are coming closer.. do you guys have any tips on planning
I’m very scared rn and kinda panicking because my lasts mocks I did on jan. where really bad, I got a DDE and I felt like I tried my hardest when revising for them…I don’t know if there will be any change, or if I have any hope…
(edited 11 months ago)

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Reply 1
Start now :smile:

You can’t change the fact you haven’t been revising, but you can begin now. Easter is a great opportunity to catch up. Just don’t waste your time making revision cards pretty, make scruffy quick ones and print off some old exam papers and practice those.
Practice papers are a great way to get you used to exam style questions and get you familiar with what you will need to know for your exams
Reply 2
thank youu❤️
I really felt like I was prepared for the mocks tho.. so when I got the results I was really disappointed in myself because idk what I would have changed. I don’t know if it’s the way I’m revising or the fact that I just get really nervous in the exam.
idk😭 I’m just having a mental breakdown ab this cus it’s stressing me out bc I have a fearr of failure bc it happened before and I don’t want it to ever happen..
thankss I will start to do more practice papers
Reply 3
Its ok to feel a bit disheartened at mocks, but i do think your actual exams are a different ball game, i did significantly better in all my GCSEs than my mocks, maybe because i knew they mattered more?
Being a little bit nervous is good, but if it starts getting overwhelming you might want to speak to someone you trust, be that a friend, teacher, or parent/carer. We all need a bit of support sometimes.

I want to wish you the best of luck for your exams ahead, you have got this! :h:
Reply 4
Im doing alevels😭 but Thank you soo much you’ve made my day❤️ I rlly didn’t know who to tell ab this so I just came on here😭
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #1
Im doing alevels😭 but Thank you soo much you’ve made my day❤️ I rlly didn’t know who to tell ab this so I just came on here😭
Ah still applies to A-levels too!!
TSR is definitely a good start for support! But if you do have anyone in person id recommend that too!
Reply 6
Original post by Autumn223
Ah still applies to A-levels too!!
TSR is definitely a good start for support! But if you do have anyone in person id recommend that too!

okay thankss❤️
Original post by Anonymous #1
Guys do you think is too late to actually revise now? I feel like I am not revising enough as exams are coming closer.. do you guys have any tips on planning
I’m very scared rn and kinda panicking because my lasts mocks I did on jan. where really bad, I got a DDE and I felt like I tried my hardest when revising for them…I don’t know if there will be any change, or if I have any hope…

I just wanted to say that it is defo not too late, and so never stop and dishearten yourself because all the work and effort you are putting in will defo play a role in your end grade.

For planning what I personally do is I create a daily plan of all the tasks that I want to go through (i usually post these on my gyg and stick them on my laptop too) and then I try to get through as many as I can because I have found my main for of procrastination is trying to figure out what task I want to do. So because of that I over plan just in case.

Because its A levels (and easter mocks are round the corner so as a fellow yr12 I am allow stressing my pants off) I would say just past paper it all, and then the parts that you got wrong work on them and then just bluting ect. Just try everything and you might find a tactic that works for you.

Good luck with everything :heart:


Reply 8
Original post by Tatakae L
I just wanted to say that it is defo not too late, and so never stop and dishearten yourself because all the work and effort you are putting in will defo play a role in your end grade.
For planning what I personally do is I create a daily plan of all the tasks that I want to go through (i usually post these on my gyg and stick them on my laptop too) and then I try to get through as many as I can because I have found my main for of procrastination is trying to figure out what task I want to do. So because of that I over plan just in case.
Because its A levels (and easter mocks are round the corner so as a fellow yr12 I am allow stressing my pants off) I would say just past paper it all, and then the parts that you got wrong work on them and then just bluting ect. Just try everything and you might find a tactic that works for you.
Good luck with everything :heart:


Thank you soo much❤️
Planning daily tasks is a rlly good idea thxx, bc procrastinating is something I’m really trying not to do..and also because I’m in yr 13😭 so don’t have much time left
Original post by Anonymous #1
Thank you soo much❤️
Planning daily tasks is a rlly good idea thxx, bc procrastinating is something I’m really trying not to do..and also because I’m in yr 13😭 so don’t have much time left
Oh my days, I really thought you were a year 12.
But yes defo plan out daily tasks either the night before or in the morning so that way you can just crack on when you get started. :smile:
Reply 10
Original post by Tatakae L
Oh my days, I really thought you were a year 12.
But yes defo plan out daily tasks either the night before or in the morning so that way you can just crack on when you get started. :smile:

I wish I was in year 12😭 it really gets hard in year 13 so planning and revising in yr12 is rlly goodd, so you’re gonna do well with the exams❤️
Original post by Anonymous #1
I wish I was in year 12😭 it really gets hard in year 13 so planning and revising in yr12 is rlly goodd, so you’re gonna do well with the exams❤️
Aww thank you, that means so much.
I didnt really try at all for my jan mocks but I have ever since so hopefully I get pass these mocks with flying colours bc theyre the main important ones lol
Original post by Tatakae L

I just wanted to say that it is defo not too late, and so never stop and dishearten yourself because all the work and effort you are putting in will defo play a role in your end grade.

For planning what I personally do is I create a daily plan of all the tasks that I want to go through (i usually post these on my gyg and stick them on my laptop too) and then I try to get through as many as I can because I have found my main for of procrastination is trying to figure out what task I want to do. So because of that I over plan just in case.

Because its A levels (and easter mocks are round the corner so as a fellow yr12 I am allow stressing my pants off) I would say just past paper it all, and then the parts that you got wrong work on them and then just bluting ect. Just try everything and you might find a tactic that works for you.

Good luck with everything :heart:


All done :smile: Thanks for the tag. I've also changed the title to help get more replies :smile:
Reply 13
Original post by Anonymous #1
Guys do you think is too late to actually revise now? I feel like I am not revising enough as exams are coming closer.. do you guys have any tips on planning
I’m very scared rn and kinda panicking because my lasts mocks I did on jan. where really bad, I got a DDE and I felt like I tried my hardest when revising for them…I don’t know if there will be any change, or if I have any hope…
You've still got time to make a difference! I suggest making a 'to-do' list, prioritising subjects you really need to revise and working down to the ones you are mostly okay on. I always find things become way less overwhelming when it's all laid out in front of me. Best of luck!! You'll have to let us know how you get on. <3
Original post by emmaapril
You've still got time to make a difference! I suggest making a 'to-do' list, prioritising subjects you really need to revise and working down to the ones you are mostly okay on. I always find things become way less overwhelming when it's all laid out in front of me. Best of luck!! You'll have to let us know how you get on. <3

okay thank you❤️ I’ve already made a week plan on topics I should focus on. yeah sure😊I will let you guys know how it’s going, as a way to encourage myself to keep on going😁
Original post by Anonymous #1
Guys do you think is too late to actually revise now? I feel like I am not revising enough as exams are coming closer.. do you guys have any tips on planning
I’m very scared rn and kinda panicking because my lasts mocks I did on jan. where really bad, I got a DDE and I felt like I tried my hardest when revising for them…I don’t know if there will be any change, or if I have any hope…
Hi there,

Firstly, I've been in a similar position to this so can sympathise with how you feel.

I think it's fair to say that it's never too late to start revising. Especially, the fact that we're in March, you have a solid 3 months of revision until your final exams. If you haven't been revising yet then it'd be good to start now and set up a timetable for yourself to adhere to and study. That way you have a clear image of what the next few weeks and months will look like.

You can always speak to your teachers and ask for additional help and show that you want to put in the hard work to achieve this, no doubt they'll be willing to help.

Best of luck and keep going!

Reply 16
Im yr13 too so i know how you feel, completely flopped my maths mock but need As or A*s for vet med :frown:
Never too late to start revising, if you start tomorrow tho youll just have 1 less day. Ive been passively increasing the amount i do, prioritising and focussing on my weak areas but not forgetting my other subjects, lots of past paper qs and actually reading the mark schemes from physics and maths tutor. Do you get study leave?
Original post by Yipiyap_EthanP
Hi there,
Firstly, I've been in a similar position to this so can sympathise with how you feel.
I think it's fair to say that it's never too late to start revising. Especially, the fact that we're in March, you have a solid 3 months of revision until your final exams. If you haven't been revising yet then it'd be good to start now and set up a timetable for yourself to adhere to and study. That way you have a clear image of what the next few weeks and months will look like.
You can always speak to your teachers and ask for additional help and show that you want to put in the hard work to achieve this, no doubt they'll be willing to help.
Best of luck and keep going!

Thank you for the advice Ethan❤️
Original post by HBeetle
Im yr13 too so i know how you feel, completely flopped my maths mock but need As or A*s for vet med :frown:
Never too late to start revising, if you start tomorrow tho youll just have 1 less day. Ive been passively increasing the amount i do, prioritising and focussing on my weak areas but not forgetting my other subjects, lots of past paper qs and actually reading the mark schemes from physics and maths tutor. Do you get study leave?

srry to hear ab ur maths😩 your gonna do well!
Thank you for the advice❤️
I don't think I'm getting study leave..
Original post by Anonymous #1
Guys do you think is too late to actually revise now? I feel like I am not revising enough as exams are coming closer.. do you guys have any tips on planning
I’m very scared rn and kinda panicking because my lasts mocks I did on jan. where really bad, I got a DDE and I felt like I tried my hardest when revising for them…I don’t know if there will be any change, or if I have any hope…

Definitely start now, you can't change anything but you can definitely try and start now! If you're studying for a-levels, you still have a couple of months so try going for high yield techniques (like exam questions) to really solidify your knowledge and improve your exam technique!

You've also got easter break so use this time but don't forget to take some time for yourself as well! An evening off or a day off will make you more productive in the long run!

I hope this helps and best of luck!

Rebecca, 4th year UCLan

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