Students who got A*s at A-level explain study, learning and revision tips that everyone can follow

revision concept art

What study techniques would A* students recommend that anyone could use?

The Student Room has plenty of members who have already sat their A-levels and walked out with at least one A* – and they've shared the habits that set them up for success.

Here are 58 tips from top students in our community that could help you get the grades you're after. 

1. Practice is key

While it's important to spend time memorising all the information you'll need for an exam, you also need to make sure you put it into practice. 

Taking past papers and looking at the answers should give you an insight into how the examiners will mark your work, so you can apply your knowledge in a way that will get you the most marks.

"Getting your hands on past paper questions and answers is very important. You're able to make connections between different areas of the syllabus. That's what you need to be able to do to get the high grades.

"At least two weeks before exams, start concentrating on past papers. To give you a better idea of how to think through an exam question, check the mark scheme and make sure you understand everything.

Read more on The Uni Guide: how to use past exam papers to revise


2. Get the examiners' reports

Examiners' reports are a great resource for sharpening your exam technique.

You can learn how to answer questions and what to avoid, straight from the people who will be assessing your work.

"I genuinely believe examiners' reports are the only reason I got my A* in English Language.

"Every year, exam boards release documents telling you what they want to see from you, as well as examples of not what to do. In terms of exam technique, this is the most useful and important resource you have.

"If you're doing an essay subject, you can walk into an exam knowing that examiners give high marks to pupils who offer criticisms to viewpoints or relate to personal research."


3. Relate your subjects to everyday life

A good hack to make quotes or topics stick in your memory is to relate them to things from your everyday life. 

So if you're struggling to remember the topic, you can jog your memory by thinking of the association instead. 

"My best friend and I were both studying Tess of the d'Urbervilles in English Lit and had to learn as many quotes as possible from the book for the exam. To revise without revising, we would add quotes from the book.

"Try to make it funny. You're socialising, you're learning, you aren't bored. It's win-win."


4. Start early

Starting revision early should give you time to cover every subject at your own pace, which can set you up to feel confident and relaxed ahead of your exams.

"If you start revising weeks in advance you'll get a good pace and it means you can go to teachers for help on topics you don't quite get. I started gentle revision (making notes) around late March for my June exams."


5. Practice as you go

Make sure you're feeling confident about your revision topic before you move onto the next one.

While you'll want to revisit the topic again soon, it's worth doing practice questions to see if you're ready to move on.

"It's a good idea to do practice questions on topics as you go along, rather than waiting until the end of revision.

"You might have interpreted something wrong or not quite nailed exam technique, so save half of the papers for revision and half to test your knowledge by the end, so you know where to go back and what to revise more."


6. Break down your subject into ordered sections

The thought of tackling a big subject can be intimidating and it can be hard to know where to start. 

It can help to break things down and give yourself a few small sections to focus on at a time. 

"Breaking down the exam into lots of little sections makes revision less daunting, and you'll know how much you've done.

"For my exams I separated a module into 20 sections or topics and so it didn't seem like much of a chore to start the next one. Before I knew it, I'd whizzed through the module."


7. Track your revision

Keeping tabs on how much you've revised for each subject should help you know what you need to focus on next.

It can also be motivating to see how much time you've already put in – you should feel like you're progressing. 

"I drew up a table in Excel and had columns for subject, date, topic, number of hours studied, cumulative number of hours studied for that subject and next topic to revise.

"The benefit was I could compare the number of hours I'd spent revising each subject, and see which ones I should spend longer on."


8. Revise continually

It can be tricky to cover every topic while still returning to areas you've already covered, but it's a good way to make sure you remember everything. 

One way to do this is to use flashcards to test your knowledge of topics you've recently covered. And you could do this between covering new topics.

"Revise things as you learn them, maybe with some flashcards and posters. That way, you already know most of it when you come to the exam period and it's just brushing up on final details."


9. Flashcards are lifesavers

Looking for a quick and easy way to test your knowledge? Flashcards could be the answer. 

You can keep key concepts, quotes or definitions on the back and see how much you remember. It's worth coming back to them regularly and seeing where you slip up.

"Get a question wrong? Flashcard it, and then test yourself later on. This is useful for when you're forgetting definitions and stuff like that. This was my preferred choice at A-level.


10. Enjoy yourself

It's important to have fun and carry on all your usual hobbies alongside revision.

It'll give you things to look forward to as well as time to relax. So when you get back to studying, you should feel recharged and productive. 

"I went to the cinema and played sport when I was revising for my A-levels. I found that I remember revision better when something enjoyable happens around it.

"I remember how an MRI machine works because my cat fell down the stairs while I was learning it! Use colours, use music – experiment with it."


11. Learn in layers

Rather than just learning the details, try to understand the logic behind the concept.

It can make the concept easier to remember, and you should be able to make your exam answers more convincing.

"Learn the principle behind something, not just the facts. Plan to cover all the material three times, adding slightly more detail as you go, and you'll pick it up in no time."


12. Learn typical question formats

Taking past papers can sharpen your exam technique and help you feel more confident about answering questions.

"It's no good memorising facts if you're not feeling confident about answering the question correctly. Exam boards use similar styles of questions every year – and past papers will get you best prepared."


13. Use repetition

To make your revision stick in your memory, aim to come back to each concept regularly – especially for the areas you're feeling less confident about.

"If you spend an evening learning something, don't leave it and come back to it in several weeks. Look over it again briefly the next day – then again in three days, a week, two weeks and so on."


14. Use colour

It can get boring just reading notes over and over again, so aim to make your work more interesting.

Highlighters, sticky notes and flashcards can be great a way to freshen up your revision. 

"Lots of colour helps liven up notes and makes them look more interesting."


15. Look after yourself

Preparing for exams can be stressful, so don't forget to look after yourself.

Your revision should also be more productive if you're feeling healthy and energised.

"Don't fret over the exam, make sure you get a normal amount of sleep – and eat healthily, too."


16. Keep at it

Consistency is key for revision. Even if you feel like you've covered everything, start going through each topic again.

"I did science A-levels and I did as many past papers as I could get my hands on. If I'd finished them and still couldn't answer every question, I'd do them all again."


17. Revise everywhere

It can be refreshing to shake up the way you revise every now and then. You could watch revision videos (check out these YouTubers), make mind maps or stick colourful notes around the house.

"I'm quite lazy and don't like writing revision notes. But for formulae I had to learn I'd write them on bits of paper and stick them on walls or the bathroom mirror."


18. Motivate yourself

Knowing that you're working towards an end goal can help you stay focused during revision.

Thinking of the grades you'd like to get or the university you want to go to can be a great source of motivation.

"I stuck a picture of Trinity Hall (I'd got an offer from them) in front of my desk to motivate me to start doing some work."


19. Stay focused

If you're starting to lose focus with one subject, take a quick break and then work on a different topic instead. 

This can help you stay productive – and you can revisit the first topic later on when you're ready.

"If I got fed up with one subject, I'd start studying something else – instead of doing nothing at all."

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20. Know your marker

Looking at mark schemes gives you a chance to understand what the examiner is looking for in your answers. 

Even if you know the answer to the question, you still need to answer it in the right way to get the most marks.

"The strategy that helped me most was to check mark schemes. You become familiar with terms that examiners look for and can instantly remember key words when you come across a related question."


21. Have clear aims

Setting yourself target grades can motivate you to put in some extra effort, especially if you think you can do better than your predicted grades.

"I set grades I was aiming for – they pushed me to work harder than the school’s lower target grades."

Mr. Macky

22. Create a timetable

Following a revision timetable can help you stay consistent, focused and organised ahead of your exams. 

By knowing what you'll be working on and when, you should feel confident that you can cover everything while still scheduling some time off too.

"I wrote out every topic for every subject I needed to revise, then estimated how many 50 minute sessions I would need to revise them all. I put this into a timetable, so I would know exactly what area I was going to cover and when."


23. Eat!

Keeping some study snacks by your side can help you avoid getting distracted by the thought of food during your revision. 

"Get snacks ready so you don't have the distraction of continually taking breaks in search of food."


24. Take breaks

Taking regular breaks is one of the main things that can help to keep you motivated and focused during your revision. 

You should feel recharged after spending some scheduled time away from the books.

"Don't make yourself study all day. Take a short break every hour –  chat to family or watch TV. You'll have a clear head when you start your next session."


25. Make it second nature

Some topics will come more naturally to you than others. For the ones that don't click straight away, you'll need to keep practising until you feel confident.

"For maths: practise, practise, practise and practise until you can factorise, integrate, differentiate in your sleep, until you become unconsciously competent."


26. Learn model answers

Looking at answers that have gotten top marks in the past can help you learn how to structure your own answers for similar questions.

"For biology, practise past years after you have a good grasp of the course content. Learn from the model answers to see what examiners want. If you're lucky, you might get a repeat."


27. Master answering techniques

When you're taking past papers, the technique for answering questions is just as important as the information you're providing. 

"For physics, practise past papers as well – and learn the answering techniques for them. The calculations required for physics are simple, just be careful.


28. Practice makes perfect

Getting top grades is about knowing how to answer questions correctly, so it's worth taking as many past papers as possible and checking your answers against the mark scheme.

"At A-level, you get A*s on your ability to answer the exam questions perfectly, rather than just your knowledge. Do all the past papers and exam style questions from previous years a few times each."


29. Check the syllabus

Check the syllabus for each exam you're taking and tick off each topic as you go over it in your revision. 

That way, you'll be able easily track your progress while making sure you cover everything. 

"If you're unsure what will come up in an exam, get a copy of the syllabus off the internet and tick off every single thing on the list."

maths revision concept art

30. Use distillation

For essay-based subjects, write detailed plans and then re-write each paragraph as short prompts.

When you're in the exam, the paragraph prompts should be an easier way for you to remember and follow the structure of your original plan. 

"I got A*s in two essay subjects. I wrote very detailed plans, and every time I rewrote them I reduced the amount of detail.

"Eventually it was just basic prompts. Then I'd write the essays from memory and check it against my plans."


31. Make mind-maps

Rather than just sticking to class notes, try making mind maps or flashcards to test your memory in more creative ways.

"I found it helpful to create a large number of massive posters and colourful mind maps – I'd plaster them all over my study area so I was surrounded by my work."


32. Break it down into bite-sized chunks

It can be overwhelming to think of all the information you need to remember for your exams.

But breaking each subject down to individual topics and tackling them one at a time can make your revision more manageable.

"I found it useful to stick small pieces of information all over my room so I would read small snippets of information as I was going about daily tasks."


33. Change your focus

In between taking past papers or writing notes, try listening to a revision podcast or watching videos to shift your focus while staying productive.

"I tried to break up my work by listening to podcasts. I found the 'In Our Time' program useful for my classics paper on Augustus."


34. Revise smart

After you've finished revising a topic, give yourself a quick test to see what you've learned and what you still need to work on again before you move on.

"Read revision guides, then close the book and recall the information; write down notes, use memory techniques and – most importantly – do past papers."


35. Learn by topic

Timetables can be a great way to keep you organised and focused, but they're not for everyone. 

Instead, you could work on a subject until you're ready to finish rather than timing yourself.

"I don't recommend timing yourself. Instead, set yourself a specific topic or subject to learn, and to finish once you've done it.

"Timetables work for some people, but I personally hate them."


36. Create a Grow your Grades blog on TSR

Try sharing your revision progress on a Grow your Grades blog on The Student Room.

Regularly updating your blog can give you accountability and motivation to stay on top of your work.

“I created [a Grow your Grades] blog because I wanted to keep a track of my progress and sharing it with the community here was a good idea because I could get awesome advice from some of the nerdy people here!"


37. Take your time

Cramming the week before an exam can quickly refresh your memory on each topic, but it can be a lot of pressure – especially if you feel underprepared. 

Starting revision early and going at your own pace can be a good way to avoid extra stress.

"Set yourself plenty of time to revise. Stress causes some people to work harder, but for others it can make them work less and get distracted."


38. Cram!

Going slow and steady with your revision should help you get prepared, but it's still worth cramming before an exam as well.

Cramming doesn't have to be unnecessary pressure – you can do it to refresh and test your memory before the exam.  

"This doesn't mean you shouldn't revise properly, but cram as much as you can when it gets near the exam – write down the information without looking at a book."


39. Make sure you're actually revising

Don't worry if you're struggling to focus after a period of revision, just take a break and get back to it. 

You should feel more productive once you're refreshed and ready to focus again.

"If you've stopped concentrating, no problem. Get up, have a drink and a bite to eat or do some exercise and then get back to revision – it should help you refresh."


40. Wake up early

Try waking up early and getting started on revision in the morning. This can be especially useful if you find yourself usually putting off revision as late as possible.

You'll get your work out of the way earlier so you can have time to yourself during the day, without feeling guilty that you haven't revised yet.

"Waking up early means you'll have lots of the day to look forward to. You might find you learn and concentrate for longer periods in the morning, so give it a try!"


41. Find a quiet place to study

You can revise anywhere you feel comfortable, but you might find it easier to revise in a quiet environment – like your bedroom or the college library.

"Make sure you have a peaceful setting. It could be your room, garden, the library or anywhere you feel comfortable."


42. Don't revise with music

Revising with music can help you stay focused, but make sure you're not listening to something that will distract you. 

If you think your favourite music might steal your attention during revision, try something without lyrics, like ambient or classical. 

"Classical or ambient music is fine, but if you listen to music you're familiar with you might not learn as much, even if it helps you stay concentrated."


43. Get a good night's sleep!

A consistent sleep schedule should get you feeling refreshed and ready to revise or take an exam. 

The occasional bad sleep during your revision period won't have much of an effect, but make sure you get an early night before an exam.

"You will not be able to revise as effectively without this."


44. Predict the questions!

Once you've looked at the syllabus and know all the topics that could come up, think of the kind of questions that might be asked for each one. 

"Don't limit yourself to revising for those questions, but it is likely at least one of them will come up. All of my predictions came up for one of my exams!"


45. Become a memory champ

Coming up with memory tricks can be useful shortcuts for remembering lots of information – like names, dates or quotes. 

One way of doing this is the loci method. Think of a room in your house or a route you walk a lot and place the information you need to remember within that environment.

So you could associate a poster on your wall with a quote for an essay. When you think of the poster in your room, you might find it easier to remember the quote as well.

"Use the loci method – memory champions use this technique in competitions! It will be especially useful for exams where you need to remember loads of names and research."


46. Take it in

Instead of just reading notes, try to rewrite them until the information sticks with you.

This can make it easier to recall the topics when you revisit them later on or when you're taking past papers. 

"Read a paragraph and write it out from memory after. I never moved on until I memorised everything."


47. Relax

Just like it's a good idea to timetable your revision, schedule plenty of time away from revision as well.

It'll give you time to absorb everything you've learned as well as making sure you don't burnout ahead of your exams.

"A chilled-out revision atmosphere helped me. I started revising a month before the exam, doing a small amount each day. I would do a 30-minute session then listen to music or watch TV for about 15 minutes. Then I got back to work."


48. Find what helps you

There are loads of different ways to revise, and some will feel more effective to you than others do. 

So try a few different methods and see what works best. Maybe you like watching videos or flashcards more than going over your notes.

"I typed all my notes on the computer as I can't revise from my own handwriting. It doesn't seem real and I can't remember the information."


49. Use graphs

For visual learners, it could be worth making diagrams to memorise your work. 

When you're in an exam, you might be able to picture the diagram to remember key concepts.

"Diagrams could help you remember your work – you might be able to visualise it in the exam."


50. Don't panic!

While it's good to work towards goals like getting top grades or going to a specific university, try not to put extra pressure on yourself to achieve them.

"Don't let any university status put you down – everywhere is good. You just need to put in the effort to succeed."

science revision concept art

51. Quality over quantity

Try not to overdo your revision – there's a chance you could burn out before your exams.

Instead, sticking to a manageable timetable can get you properly prepared for your exams – as long as you stay consistent. 

"Consistency and discipline is your best friend and remember it’s quality > quantity.

"You don’t need to revise 10 hours a day to achieve good grades, it’s about what you can do in a short amount of time."


52. Keep motivated

The idea of having to revise every day for a few months might not be great, but it could be worth it in the long run. 

And it short be rewarding to know that you've done something hard, especially if you get the grades you wanted.

"Think of the long term gains (high grades and impressing employers) that could come from your short term sacrifices (getting up and working for eight hours a day)."


53. Remove distractions

One of the hardest things about staying focused is managing distractions, especially social media. 

If you're constantly tempted to check your phone during revision, it might be worth leaving it in another room until your next scheduled break.

"Being focused during exam period is essential, removing distractions like social media during the day time and tracking your study periods with apps like Flora is very motivating."


54. Stay active

Exercising can help to take your mind off revision, while also keeping you active alongside long periods of sitting down.

"I think doing some sort of physical activity in between times where you are revising, like going to the gym, can be really useful at clearing your mind a little bit and allows you to refresh."


55. Reread your old essays

For essay-based subjects, take a look at your previous work and see where you got the most marks as well as where you could have improved. 

Sharpening your essay-writing techniques should help you make the most of all the quotes and information you're remembering for your exam.

"For English, I wrote quotes on note cards and tried to learn as many as possible. I practised essays, as well as reading my previous ones. I also revised general themes."


56. Take note(s)

Revision doesn't need to be complicated, it can be as simple as reading your notes and rewriting them. 

"I don't think there's any versatility with geography revision – I just made notes and memorised them as much as possible."


57. Take an interest

A genuine interest in the subject you're studying should make revision feel like less of a chore, which could help you put extra effort in.

"Study subjects you are genuinely interested in. What helped me get A*s in maths, physics and biology was that I thought the topics we discussed were fascinating. That made me pay attention in class and remember the material."


58. Understand

There's a lot of information you need to absorb when you're preparing for exams, but make sure you understand each topic properly before you move on.

"The key to learning is understanding, not cramming. I didn't do loads of intense revision, but I would often make links in my head to help me solve problems in the future."


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