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I keep getting rejected from unis for GSCEs and feel broken

Each uni I have applied to has rejected me saying my GSCEs (8776666555) are basically not well enough up to scratch and I cannot lie I do feel slightly hopeless at the minute.

I know that 5s aren't acceptable really at top institutions but now if I were to retake these (I never sat them anyway) it would cost 1. a lot of money 2. a year out to retake them, and then 3. I'd have resat my GCSEs which looks worse than a first time achiever.

Can people please comment on if it would be worthwhile and which ones to aim to retake? Honestly I'm looking at all the easy 6s and especially 5s that I would retake but which subjects matter most in an application or is it overall grounds? Wondering if I ought to play to their strengths and retake only STEM, or include maybe English Lit (5) in there too.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Each uni I have applied to has rejected me saying my GSCEs (8776666555) are basically not well enough up to scratch and I cannot lie I do feel slightly hopeless at the minute.
I know that 5s aren't acceptable really at top institutions but now if I were to retake these (I never sat them anyway) it would cost 1. a lot of money 2. a year out to retake them, and then 3. I'd have resat my GCSEs which looks worse than a first time achiever.
Can people please comment on if it would be worthwhile and which ones to aim to retake? Honestly I'm looking at all the easy 6s and especially 5s that I would retake but which subjects matter most in an application or is it overall grounds? Wondering if I ought to play to their strengths and retake only STEM, or include maybe English Lit (5) in there too.
What about your level 3 qualifications? Your GCSE’s do seem good enough. For example,
UCL maths requires a GCSE of 4 or above, for maths and english.
What unis + courses are you applying to?

What are your Eng Lang and Maths grades?

Outside of top courses and Eng+Maths, most unis don't really care that much. So you've either aimed very high, or haven't met the minimum requirements.
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
Each uni I have applied to has rejected me saying my GSCEs (8776666555) are basically not well enough up to scratch and I cannot lie I do feel slightly hopeless at the minute.
I know that 5s aren't acceptable really at top institutions but now if I were to retake these (I never sat them anyway) it would cost 1. a lot of money 2. a year out to retake them, and then 3. I'd have resat my GCSEs which looks worse than a first time achiever.
Can people please comment on if it would be worthwhile and which ones to aim to retake? Honestly I'm looking at all the easy 6s and especially 5s that I would retake but which subjects matter most in an application or is it overall grounds? Wondering if I ought to play to their strengths and retake only STEM, or include maybe English Lit (5) in there too.
You can redo you GCSEs or some colleges have GCSE evening courses.

You can study any wide range of degree of your choice at The Open University.
Reply 4
Original post by BankaiGintoki
What about your level 3 qualifications? Your GCSE’s do seem good enough. For example,
UCL maths requires a GCSE of 4 or above, for maths and english.
I was rejected for History, Politics and Economics. I meant to put 9 instead of the 8 in my post. My GCSEs are: 9 in English Lang (retaken), 6 in Maths - the latter being one of the many not actually sat (Teacher Assessed in covid times).
Reply 5
Original post by Admit-One
What unis + courses are you applying to?
What are your Eng Lang and Maths grades?
Outside of top courses and Eng+Maths, most unis don't really care that much. So you've either aimed very high, or haven't met the minimum requirements.
Hey, same as above. I applied to UCL HPE, with an 9 in Eng Lang. (retaken) and 6 in Maths (was TAG). I feel the vast number of 5s is offputting and the 6 in Maths doesn't demonstrate my Maths well enough as I didn't do this at A-Level. It is an especially competitive course, but such is the nature of the unis I am looking at (ideally target ib/consulting unis) - which is making me consider retaking them and reapplying.
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #1
Each uni I have applied to has rejected me saying my GSCEs (8776666555) are basically not well enough up to scratch and I cannot lie I do feel slightly hopeless at the minute.
I know that 5s aren't acceptable really at top institutions but now if I were to retake these (I never sat them anyway) it would cost 1. a lot of money 2. a year out to retake them, and then 3. I'd have resat my GCSEs which looks worse than a first time achiever.
Can people please comment on if it would be worthwhile and which ones to aim to retake? Honestly I'm looking at all the easy 6s and especially 5s that I would retake but which subjects matter most in an application or is it overall grounds? Wondering if I ought to play to their strengths and retake only STEM, or include maybe English Lit (5) in there too.
What universities are you aiming to study ant and what course would you like to take. I would advise going to the university website and course details where they tell you the minimum grades at gcse needed to study that course. Then you can strategically pick which gcse's should be resit or not. Hope this helps :smile:
Original post by Anonymous #1
I was rejected for History, Politics and Economics. I meant to put 9 instead of the 8 in my post. My GCSEs are: 9 in English Lang (retaken), 6 in Maths - the latter being one of the many not actually sat (Teacher Assessed in covid times).
Have you sat A Levels? What were your grades?
Reply 8
Original post by BankaiGintoki
Have you sat A Levels? What were your grades?
AAA. The final grade (A) is predicted, the first 2 have been sat.
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #1
AAA. The final grade (A) is predicted, the first 2 have been sat.
Sorry, it made it italic and I undid it by mistake. I meant to put 'A*AA'.
Reply 10
Original post by Admit-One
What unis + courses are you applying to?
What are your Eng Lang and Maths grades?
Outside of top courses and Eng+Maths, most unis don't really care that much. So you've either aimed very high, or haven't met the minimum requirements.
I applied to the LSE and probably one of the unexpectedly most competitive courses at ucl (HPE). Looking at statistics from FOI reports , I believe there is 200 offers from 700+ applicants. Likely because it is the only UCL econ related degree without a hard Maths A-Level requirement (a course which c. 66% of A-Level Maths holders get offers for). I got a 9 in Eng Lang, and a 6 in Maths (both meet the min requirements).

LSE prefer for majority to be at 7-9, so considering retaking all 3 5s I got, and 2 6s I got (incl. Maths) to hopefully have the majority of these at 7-9 with just 2 remaining grade 6s. Not sure if this is enough / required, but would love to hear comments. Thanks!
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous
Each uni I have applied to has rejected me saying my GSCEs (8776666555) are basically not well enough up to scratch and I cannot lie I do feel slightly hopeless at the minute.
I know that 5s aren't acceptable really at top institutions but now if I were to retake these (I never sat them anyway) it would cost 1. a lot of money 2. a year out to retake them, and then 3. I'd have resat my GCSEs which looks worse than a first time achiever.
Can people please comment on if it would be worthwhile and which ones to aim to retake? Honestly I'm looking at all the easy 6s and especially 5s that I would retake but which subjects matter most in an application or is it overall grounds? Wondering if I ought to play to their strengths and retake only STEM, or include maybe English Lit (5) in there too.

tbh I think it must be due to the courses you applied for and not the unis, I applied to slightly more niche courses (HPE rather than PPE for example) and I managed to get all 5 of my offers. 2 from UCL, 2 from KCL and 1 from LSE. I got practically the exact same GCSEs as you btw, maybe one more 6 and one less 5
Reply 12
Original post by Nash2404
tbh I think it must be due to the courses you applied for and not the unis, I applied to slightly more niche courses (HPE rather than PPE for example) and I managed to get all 5 of my offers. 2 from UCL, 2 from KCL and 1 from LSE. I got practically the exact same GCSEs as you btw, maybe one more 6 and one less 5

I applied to HPE also, what were your A-Levels? I didn't offer Maths; maybe that is why.
Reply 13
Original post by Anonymous
I applied to HPE also, what were your A-Levels? I didn't offer Maths; maybe that is why.

I didn't do maths either, I'm on a gap year because I did badly on my a levels first time round so I have to retake all 3 but my new predicteds were A*A*A. DM me if u want

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