The Student Room Group

Which 6 form should I go to?

Current school
- better grades
- feels like home
- was crying today about the thought of leaving
- want to do the musical
- love the teachers
- amazing new sixth form
- girls only
- home clothes

New sixth form
- mixed girls and boys
- loved it at the open evenings
- fun and exciting
- feel like I will miss out if I don’t go
- friends most likely going
- boys I’m friends w there
- business causal attire
- good sports and grounds
- not as good grades but still good

Please help me decide
Reply 1
Original post by saffronarora
Current school
- better grades
- feels like home
- was crying today about the thought of leaving
- want to do the musical
- love the teachers
- amazing new sixth form
- girls only
- home clothes
New sixth form
- mixed girls and boys
- loved it at the open evenings
- fun and exciting
- feel like I will miss out if I don’t go
- friends most likely going
- boys I’m friends w there
- business causal attire
- good sports and grounds
- not as good grades but still good
Please help me decide
current school, thank you next bye
Reply 2
Original post by stmkcltrs
current school, thank you next bye
Really, why? Thank you
Reply 3
Easy choice, stay put.
Honest A-levels go so quick, stick with the familiar and it will be a lot less stressful.
If you want to explore do that for Uni and go to another part of the country :smile:

To me your pros for staying where you are are significantly more than your pros for leaving
Reply 4
Another thing is I want to study politics but they don’t do that at my current school
Reply 5
Original post by saffronarora
Another thing is I want to study politics but they don’t do that at my current school
You don’t need a politics A-level to study politics in uni :smile:
Here are some other useful A-levels for politics:








Reply 6
Original post by Autumn223
You don’t need a politics A-level to study politics in uni :smile:
Here are some other useful A-levels for politics:








I don’t want to do politics at uni but I really like the sound of it at a level
Reply 7
Original post by saffronarora
Current school
- better grades
- feels like home
- was crying today about the thought of leaving
- want to do the musical
- love the teachers
- amazing new sixth form
- girls only
- home clothes
New sixth form
- mixed girls and boys
- loved it at the open evenings
- fun and exciting
- feel like I will miss out if I don’t go
- friends most likely going
- boys I’m friends w there
- business causal attire
- good sports and grounds
- not as good grades but still good
Please help me decide
Also with the new one they are significantly better at economics which I want to study and they do politics which I also want to study
Reply 8
Original post by saffronarora
I don’t want to do politics at uni but I really like the sound of it at a level
Has your school got an EPQ would be a way to bring politics into your A-levels.
It sounds like your original post was more positive towards your current school, but you seem to be coming up with excuses to leave your current school in your most previous posts.

No one can tell you whats right for you, they can just say what they would do in your shoes. If you really want to go to a different 6th form do it.
If you genuinely can’t decided flip a coin, see how you feel with the decision the coin lands on, and if you find yourself wishing it landed the other way you will know what you truly want.
Original post by Autumn223
Has your school got an EPQ would be a way to bring politics into your A-levels.
It sounds like your original post was more positive towards your current school, but you seem to be coming up with excuses to leave your current school in your most previous posts.
No one can tell you whats right for you, they can just say what they would do in your shoes. If you really want to go to a different 6th form do it.
If you genuinely can’t decided flip a coin, see how you feel with the decision the coin lands on, and if you find yourself wishing it landed the other way you will know what you truly want.
Yes my school does EPQ. I am just really interested in politics A level content having seen the past papers. Ugh im so stuck
Reply 10
Original post by saffronarora
Really, why? Thank you
because it is familiar and you'll get more of a homely feel, you can see friends outside of school, if the new sixth form is relatively close to your current one then maybe ask if you can do politics at that one and then your other subjects at your current school, the sixth form I wen to had two other sixth forms opposite us so it was easy to do that

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