The Student Room Group

ECG Interpretation

I'm really struggling with measuring the ST Segment for ST elevation and ST depression... I have come across 'finding the J point and measuring down to where the graph is'... or 'starting at the S wave and moving 2 boxes across to measure'... I am finding all the parts like the isoelectric line, graph line, J point etc difficult to find because I don't know what I'm supposed to measure, and it's getting confusing. Can someone help please???
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Reply 3
Ty... if anyone can give me some practical guidance for free that'd be great 🙃
Reply 4
I'd be rubbish at explaining it. "The ECG made easy" is the typical book that people recommend for ECG interpretation.
Reply 5
Original post by Bubbles003
I'm really struggling with measuring the ST Segment for ST elevation and ST depression... I have come across 'finding the J point and measuring down to where the graph is'... or 'starting at the S wave and moving 2 boxes across to measure'... I am finding all the parts like the isoelectric line, graph line, J point etc difficult to find because I don't know what I'm supposed to measure, and it's getting confusing. Can someone help please???

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