Hate cardio too. Think with ecgs just learn like learn what a.fib, atrial flutter, sinus tachycardia, left and right ventricular hypertrophy, left and right atrial hypertrophy, wolf parkinson white syndrome, left and right bundle branch block, STEMI, 1st degree heart block, 2nd degree block type 1 and 2,3rd degree block, hypo and hyperkalemia, ventricular ectopic, ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia torsades de pointed looks like-feel like those are like the patterns they want you to pick up on (might have missed something in the list?) Also most important learn what a normal ecg looks like. Also what like a normal pr interval is, interval of qrs complex etc. is important to know. I calculate rate by multiplying the number of qrs complexes in trace at the bottom that is 10 seconds long by 6. Also look at axis deviation.
Not a fan of cardio, absolutely hate murmurs. And trying to learn the pathophysiology of cardio conditions. Cardio and respiratory are my least favourite specialities.