The Student Room Group

Bristol University Accommodation Info (please post all questions here!)

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Reply 780
me too!

But I think I sorted out this torment about my hall choices. It's probably going to be Manor as 1st choice and HB as 2nd... (although they're totally different).

One last little thing: If you make references saying that you'd really like to be self-catered etc etc, will they find it incoherent that your second choice is a catered hall and consider your first choice less ?
Reply 781
me too!

But I think I sorted out this torment about my hall choices. It's probably going to be Manor as 1st choice and HB as 2nd... (although they're totally different).

One last little thing: If you make references saying that you'd really like to be self-catered etc etc, will they find it incoherent that your second choice is a catered hall and consider your first choice less ?

I'm in a similar dilemma...would only share a room if it's with a particular person. Do I tick the prefer shared room box?

I just ticked it and left a little note saying 'see attached letter'. I guess you can justify/explain yourself in a little side note.
Reply 782
me too!

But I think I sorted out this torment about my hall choices. It's probably going to be Manor as 1st choice and HB as 2nd... (although they're totally different).

One last little thing: If you make references saying that you'd really like to be self-catered etc etc, will they find it incoherent that your second choice is a catered hall and consider your first choice less ?

you have to tick a box on the form to say whether you'd prefer Catered or SC accomm if you don't get eiter of your choices, which is the only difficulty I can see from picking one of each type. Saying that, I doubt you wouldn't get a place in HB.
Reply 783
Thanks very much for all your precious info :wink:
My choices are also VERY different. I'm going 1st choice Wills & 2nd choice University Hall.
I figure if I'm the sort of person they want for Wills, I'd love to live there. But if not, I want the cheapest dankest place at which to rebel against the system and sit on all my saved monies!!!!
Reply 785
By picking UH as my first choice, there's not really a chance that i'd get shoved into a student house, correct?
Reply 786
Got the accommodation pack through the post today. Managed to screw up on my name......wheres the tipp ex pen?! :eek:
Got the accommodation pack through the post today.

:redface: Can this be true?!
Reply 788
I'm still confused :frown:

I think Durdham will be my 1st choice, but i still have no idea where to put as my 2nd choice... I think i'm gonna go through this whole thread (again) and take notes :biggrin:
Reply 789
:redface: Can this be true?!

Would I lie?!?! :s-smilie:


Covering letter giving you a student number
Booklet: 'What next? guidance notes for applicants'
Accommodation Prospectus with application form
Envelope for passport photos, self addressed envelopes, 1st class stamps

I have an unconditional from last year, perhaps I'm in the first batch?
Would I lie?!?! :s-smilie:


Covering letter giving you a student number
Booklet: 'What next? guidance notes for applicants'
Accommodation Prospectus with application form
Envelope for passport photos, self addressed envelopes, 1st class stamps

I have an unconditional from last year, perhaps I'm in the first batch?

...the promised land has arrived...

...but I too have an unconditional. I'll give it a day or two and then give them a call :smile:
Reply 791
I will almost certainly pick Wills(old quad) ad first choice and Hiatt Baker. Both looks really good and I would be happy in both.

I'm not expecting any accommodation information anytime soon though since I just firmed Bristol this past monday.
Reply 792
Since I live in a foreign country and firmed Bristol late (because Warwick took pleasure to answer me only on the 17th of April :mad: ) I'll probably receive it quite late...

I'm getting increasingly impatient !
I will almost certainly pick Wills(old quad)

You can't specify which quad afaik. You can ask in the statement, but I'm not sure if that would go down well, liking the hall for superficial reasons rather than because of the hall community...
ok, im going to say this once because it needs to be said, not to any particular person, but just to all applicants because you all seem unnecessarily stressed:


just relax!! Your accomodation isn't going to be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so if you dont get the forms within 34 seconds of the date they said they'd come, or that someone else got them, just relax, they're going to come.

Im sure you guys have more important stuff to think about, i.e. the exams to actually get into the uni, so concentrate on important stuff, accomodation will sort itself out in no's really not a huge deal where you end up, you're going to find friends and enjoy it no matter where you are!
Reply 795
...the promised land has arrived...

...but I too have an unconditional. I'll give it a day or two and then give them a call :smile:

Give it a week. We've got months. At the very least give it until the rest of us get our packs. I'm sure you'll hear.

I am NOT looking foreward to writing the statement. Or getting photos. *grumps*
Reply 796

Im sure you guys have more important stuff to think about, i.e. the exams to actually get into the uni, so concentrate on important stuff, accomodation will sort itself out in no's really not a huge deal where you end up, you're going to find friends and enjoy it no matter where you are!

definitely... I must say I'm tending to forget this bloody baccalaureate whilst I'm thinking all the time about my future undergrad' life in Bristol :p:

Im sure you guys have more important stuff to think about, i.e. the exams to actually get into the uni, so concentrate on important stuff, accomodation will sort itself out in no's really not a huge deal where you end up, you're going to find friends and enjoy it no matter where you are!

Thats easy for you to say, you settled for Goldney! :eek:
Reply 798
Seriously guys, you have to realise that even the worst halls at Bristol are better than a lot of the halls you'll get at universities elsewhere. Like organised_chaos says, chill the **** out :biggrin:
Reply 799
Got my accomm pack this morning. Richmand Terrace looks like a pretty nice place for second choice, ditto for Culver House. It really is a nice brochure, smells good too.