The Student Room Group

Bristol University Accommodation Info (please post all questions here!)

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As I remember I didn't hear owt for quite a while...

hey, just wondering if you remember what happened on the first night/
like was there a big meet and great down the bar?

i just have no idea what to expect..

i emailed durdham earlier and apparantly, we don't get anything else throught the post now.
how rubbish is that..
when do we get our freshers week timetables then?!
Hey was there last year....

If you get allocated a second or third floor room, it can be very tricky getting up and down the stairs. With a load of moving in stuff, I'd def ask for help! Also, if you're in DEF block, there are some minor steps, but you should be alright going up there. In fact, if you're in ABC, there's also quite a few steps to go down AND when you get your key, you'll have to go into the Hall Bar which involves two flights of stairs. You could probably go on your own to that though....

If you're on the first floor, you'll be fine. The outdoor steps are fairly manageable (and avoidable if you walk around the back of the warden's house). If you're on the second or third floors, you may have some problems; there are no lifts at all.

Ahh, thanks for replying, i didn't see it until now because it wasn't in my Who Quoted :smile:

I think we'll probably just play it by ear. I don't really want to specifically ask for a ground floor room of them just for that one day, and i don't reallly want to be on the ground floor anyway (although i suppose i've a 1/3 chance anyway, so never mind!) I think I'll probably just have to put my dad in a supervisory role or something, and have him come up and see it once, which hopefully he should be fine with.
Thanks for the help!

hey, just wondering if you remember what happened on the first night/
like was there a big meet and great down the bar?

i just have no idea what to expect..

Yup big meet n greet down the hall bar if memory serves. Though I think I got a bit pissed and spilt my drink over someone that night so you might not wanna go by my memory...
Reply 1383
I got paranoid about my Durdham slip since I wrote the address on in handwriting, I gave the warden a small e-mail and she phoned me up confirming that I confirmed. So, basically, it should all be fine for Durdham people...

Can anybody tell me anything about tottenham place?
Reply 1385

My friend and I are likely coming to U of Bristol on exchange for a year starting September next year. We're wanting to find out about accommodation.

I know all the basics such as halls and so on, but if we want to ensure that we get into the same hall or, preferebly, sharing a twin room (to reduce costs), how would we go about it? Can you make joint applications or do you have to contact the halls with your specific situation? Any other way to go about it? Could we still try for popular halls such as Wills or Goldney or would we have to settle on a less popular one?


you can specify to share a room with a friend - someone on here has done that this year i think!
you can probably do it with every hall, as long as they have shared rooms :smile:

durdham news; just had word that we're having a superhero party at some point during freshers fornight :biggrin:
I'm sharing a room with a friend (fellow TSR member abood) at The Hawthorns this year, we had to attach letters to our accommodation forms asking to share a room. I was a bit worried it wouldn't work, but from what I heard later, I needn't've. Halls / Student houses are usually happy when they have people who want to share, because most don't. I presume they'd rather have people who want to live together in a shared room than put strangers together. Just attach a letter and specify "shared" on the form, all should be well :biggrin:
Reply 1388
Does anyone have any pictures of shared rooms? I'm trying to decide whether to go for it or not (with a mate of mine)
Does anyone have any pictures of shared rooms? I'm trying to decide whether to go for it or not (with a mate of mine)

Shared rooms in what hall/house?
Reply 1390
Paranoid Kid
Shared rooms in what hall/house?

Any. I guess we're currently considering Manor so would be especially interested to see the shared rooms there.
Any. I guess we're currently considering Manor so would be especially interested to see the shared rooms there.

Hmmm, not sure about Manor, I can ask someone though. In Wills the shared rooms are hardly shared at all really. All it is is that you have to go through one room to get to the other.
Reply 1392
Paranoid Kid
Hmmm, not sure about Manor, I can ask someone though. In Wills the shared rooms are hardly shared at all really. All it is is that you have to go through one room to get to the other.

That'd be great Paranoid Kid
Reply 1393
Hey there! i just got an offer to study Maths and Economics from Oct 08 and have my heart set on coming here assumign i work my ass off and hit the grades. Now im really wondering how im going to go about choosing accomadation. I just wonderd how evryone else settled down to choose one, i like sports, somewhere near the shops and nearish to the campus, with a definate intimate family feel with the people id stay with. I just have no clue how im going to find the right one for me. Any advise is welcomed with open arms. Cheers :smile:
Reply 1394
When you get the accomodation thingy just go with the one that feels best. I went with gut feeling, I made a list of pros and cons when I was choosing between 2. I got slightly more pros then cons for one, then started giving double points so the results scewed to the one I'm at now. Love the place. Love the people.
And don't be afraid of student houses, they are amazing.
Hey there! i just got an offer to study Maths and Economics from Oct 08 and have my heart set on coming here assumign i work my ass off and hit the grades. Now im really wondering how im going to go about choosing accomadation. I just wonderd how evryone else settled down to choose one, i like sports, somewhere near the shops and nearish to the campus, with a definate intimate family feel with the people id stay with. I just have no clue how im going to find the right one for me. Any advise is welcomed with open arms. Cheers :smile:

Somewhere in Clifton then. Do you want catered or self catered?
Reply 1396
Thanks Kas.

Either would do, i was told bad things about caterd, like if i was late coming home and missed the meal time id go hungry for the night lol. Im open to both but i gues idealy self caterd. I havent been sent a prospectus yet, so i was wondering if there is a large difference between the rooms at each accomadation. The more partys the better :biggrin: lol
Reply 1397
And don't be afraid of student houses, they are amazing.

:ditto: Ohmygodyes. :biggrin:
There's quite a diverse range of accommodation across the uni (reflected in price). I always thought I'd go self catered but have ended up going catered-don't worry too much about missing food, you can always pick up a late meal/take a packed lunch from the servery. Parties one will agree on where's best! Somewhere with a fair few people I guess. You might like Goldney. Try this website:
Reply 1399
Paranoid Kid
There's quite a diverse range of accommodation across the uni (reflected in price). I always thought I'd go self catered but have ended up going catered-don't worry too much about missing food, you can always pick up a late meal/take a packed lunch from the servery. Parties one will agree on where's best! Somewhere with a fair few people I guess. You might like Goldney. Try this website:

Looks great from the front. Any pictures of the interior. I gues sacrifices will have to be made, no accomadation will be perfect. I guess the most modern rooms would be best , Goldney and wills i reckon its between, i gues i wont really know till i visit, if i visit? how many people visited their accomadation before applying?