The Student Room Group

Medics and Applicants Profiles - NO DISCUSSION

This thread is based on an idea me and Hygeia have been working on.

Basically, a lot of people seem every year to ask whether their grades/work experience/UKCAT etc. is good enough. The idea is for people that have been through the UCAS system to put up a profile of their application and what the decisions by the respective Unis were. This would hopefully give people a vague idea of what was good enough for certain Med Schools, and also that exceptional candidates can get rejections. Hence it'll be good if there is a wide range of profiles, from a lot of different types of circumstances.

Depending on interest and popularity, I may provide links from the first post for each profile filed under the Med Schools they applied to. These can now be found in this wiki page which the TSR Medicine Mods will keep updated (please continue to use this thread to post profiles once all your decisions have been received).

Now, obviously a thread like this can very easily turn into a bragging contest, and it wasn't designed like that, as is designed to be helpful to applicants. So there's nothing to stop you from simply posting your credentials and never coming back to this again if you want to. Please keep all discussion to this thread:

Here's the template if you wish to post your details:

Year of Entry:
Standard Grades Int2s (Scottish applicants):
AS Grades:
A2 Prediction/Results:
Higher grades (Scottish applicants):
Previous Degree (if applicable):
UKCAT (if applicable):
BMAT (if applicable):
Work Experience/Volunteering:
Extra Curricular:
Universities applied to and decisions:

Feel free to let me know if you think I've missed anything, or have any opinions on improvements or anything.

(edited 12 years ago)

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 6.5A*, 3A, 1C
AS Grades: aaaa in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics
A2 Prediction/Results: AAAa in Maths, Chemistry and Physics (with AS Biology)
UKCAT (if applicable): 720, 760, 670 750, Average 725
BMAT (if applicable): 7.9, 5.6, 12.0, Total 25.5
Work Experience/Volunteering: 1 week Hospital, 1 week GP, 4 months volunteering at local Hospital
Extra Curricular: Football for a local team, variety of other sports like running, cycling etc. (mainly to stay fit for football), peer mentoring, some film reviews for a local newspaper.
Universities applied to and decisions:
Oxford (Offer AAA)
Imperial (Offer AAA)
Newcastle (Offer AAA)
Barts (Offer AAA)
Reply 2
Year of Entry: 2006
Deferred?: nope
GCSEs: 7A*s and 2As (double science, maths, english lang and lit, french, german and As in history and music)
AS: 4As (biology, chemistry, maths, physics)
A2s: AAA (biology, chemistry, maths)
Extra Curricular: st john ambulance - full first aid certificate + manual handling + medical gases certification + NCO, grade 8 violin, working on grade 8 piano, various orchestras (including leading school orchestra), school council, school listening service, student librarian at school etc.
Work Experience / finding out more about medicine: Medlink, Medsim, 1 year work exp at a vets, 1 week on a ward, 1 week work observation placements (including time in theatres and GPland), 2 trips to Romania working in various institutions and orphanages voluntarily, st john duties
Nottingham: interviewed 2/12/05, rejected officially 11/04/06, apparently I'm not empathetic...
St George's: interviewed 6/12/05, rejected 15/12/05 no extra feedback given
Edinburgh: rejected 13/03/06, not enough A*s at GCSE, too many applicants and apparently only average extracurricular activities
UEA: interviewed 10/04/06, AAB offer 11/04/06... CONDITIONAL FIRM
Charles University Prague, Offer: conditional on completing a levels
Reply 3
These details are for Isometrix

Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 8A* 2A
AS Grades: AAAA in Chemistry (285), Biology (300), Physics (281) and Maths (280)
A2 Prediction/Results: AAAA
UKCAT (if applicable): 580, 710, 530, 690 = 627.5
BMAT (if applicable): 5.9, 4.4, 9.0 = 19.3
Work Experience/Volunteering: 3 weeks hospital, 1 week GP, Over 2 years combined voluntary work.
Extra Curricular: 1st XI Cricket team, County Chess player, Piano, Duke of Edinburgh Gold.
Universities applied to and decisions: St. John's College, Cambridge (Interviewed: Rejected), Imperial (Rejected w/o interview), Leeds (Interviewed: AAB), Manchester (Interviewed: AAB)

Firmed Leeds, Insurance was Manchester in case I don't get the grades and by some miracle they're still willing to accept me if Leeds don't (i have nothing to lose so might as well!)
Reply 4
I added about a degree in there, maybe my post will be useful for people applying to GEP courses.

Year of Entry: 2008
Deferred?: no
GCSEs: 6 A's 5 B's
AS Grades: BCD
A2 Results: BCE
Previous degree: Anatomy and Human Biology (2:1)
UKCAT (if applicable): 700
Work Experience/Volunteering: 3 weeks hospital and GP. Mixture of things, surgery, home visits, outpatient clinics etc.
Universities applied to and decisions:
Warwick GEP - accepted with 2:1
Barts and the London GEP - rejected although offered place on 5 year course
Birmingham GEP - rejected
Leicester 5 yr - rejected

Hope that's useful x

Edit: What a dunce, i got my UKCAT score wrong. Was 670 before abstract reasoning was taken out, after that it went up to 700.
Reply 5
Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: Nein
AS Grades: AAAB
A2 Prediction/Results: AAAA prediction
UKCAT (if applicable): 613/612 or something of the sort
BMAT (if applicable): 18.1 (5.4, 5.2, 6.5 I think)
Work Experience/Volunteering: Week in a hospital A&E department, 1 week as a volunteer for sick pilgrims in Lourdes, 1 week as a residential volunteer for the charity vitalise, long term volunteering at a local hospice once a week
Extra Curricular: Rowing + part time job plus other interests, Open University course in Molecules, medicines and drugs and a 3 day conference on Darwinism and Contemporary science in London
Universities applied to and decisions:

UCL - Interview- Offer AAB
Newcastle - Interview- Post interview rejection
Leicester- Interview- Post interview rejection but the rejection came after I withdrew
Aberdeen - Interview- Withdrew after getting my UCL offer, before the interview.
Reply 6
Year of Entry: 2008
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 7A* 3A
AS Grades: AAAAb (Bio, Chem, Math, RS, Critical Thinking)
A2 Results: AAAA (Bio, Chem, Math, RS)
UKCAT (if applicable): ~590 average
BMAT (if applicable): Sorry I can't remember
Work Experience/Volunteering: Residential home, Extended project, physiotherapy placement, Youth leader with St Johns Ambulance, various courses with St Johns Ambulance (e.g. first aid, leadership)
Universities applied to and decisions:
Cardiff - interviewed, rejected
Cambridge (Trinity) - interviewed, rejected
Leicester - interviewed, offer AAB
Hull York - interviewed, rejected
Reply 7
Year of Entry: 2008
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 6 A*, 5 A, 2 B, 1 C
AS Grades: AAAA (Maths, Chem, Bio, Phys)
A2 Prediction/Results: AAA/AAA (Maths, Chem, Phys)
UKCAT (if applicable): Can't remember exactly, it was 700 + though
BMAT (if applicable): N/A
Work Experience/Volunteering: Here
Extra Curricular: Grade 8 Clarinet and Saxophone, County and National level music commitments, Cycling
Universities applied to and decisions: Manchester (AAB), Peninsula (ABB), Newcastle (Rejected after interview), Edinburgh (Rejected)
Reply 8
Year of Entry: 2008
Deferred?: No, but I took a gap year and applied during the gap year 2007
GCSEs: 6 A*, 2 A, 3 B (Bs in mathematics, chemistry and physics)
AS Grades: AAABB (was abbc before resits, note the c in chemistry)
A2 Results: AAA + AEA English (note the improvement in chemistry grade)
UKCAT (if applicable): Can't remember. Was slightly above average. I think average was 600? Somewhere between 600 and 700 I think.
BMAT (if applicable): N/A
Work Experience/Volunteering: HCA during gap year, worked at elderly care home for a couple of months, charity shop, a couple of days in a hospice, worked in a clothes store (note no shadowing doctors as such, unless my HCA job counts to an extent, no helping people in poor countries etc)
Extra Curricular: Not musical/sporty/dramatic. Debating, swimming, cycling, a bit of drawing/painting. Nothing too serious. Young Enterprise, Millenium Volunteers 200 hours award
Universities applied to and decisions: St Andrews, Leicester, King's, Bristol
Year of Entry: 2010
Deferred?: Yes
GCSEs: 3A* 6A 1B
AS Grades: CCDD
A2 Prediction: ABBB
UKCAT (if applicable): 526
BMAT (if applicable): n/a
Work Experience/Volunteering: Year and half volunteering at hospital, weeks work experience at hospital, visits to GP, know two junior doctors personally, worked at Sainsbury's for two years
Extra Curricular: Student union officer, hockey
Universities applied to and decisions: Barts - Rejected (UKCAT)
Leeds - Rejected (Grades)
Leicester - Rejected (Grades)
Peninsula - Rejected (Grades)
Reply 10
Mine is well out of date, but I'm bored so i'll do it anyway.

Year of Entry: 2004
Deferred?: no
GCSEs: 7A* 3A's 1B
AS Grades: AAAB
A2 Results: AAAA Maths, Bio, Chem, Phys
Previous degree: none
BMAT (if applicable): 5.9 + 4.3 + 8.7 (pilot scheme though!)
Extra Curricular: Bass Guitar - band with many local gigs, school/local sunday league football team, World Challenge to Australia raised 3k and trekking training.
Work Experience/Volunteering: 1 week acute medicine 6month 1 afternoon per week in an Alzheimers daycare centre.
Universities applied to and decisions:
Leicester - Offer AAB
Sheffield - Rejected
Nottingham - Rejected
Corpus Christi Cambridge - Rejected

Sorry if it's no use as its ooooold.
Reply 11
Year of Entry: 2005
Deferred?: yes
GCSEs: 5A* 3A 1B
AS Grades: AAAAA (Chemistry 298, Biology 243, Maths 286, Psychology 264, General Studies 260)
A2 Prediction/Results: Predicted AAA - Actual AAA (Chemistry 598, Biology 585, Maths 564, AEA Chemistry Merit)
Previous Degree (if applicable): n/a
UKCAT (if applicable): n/a
BMAT (if applicable): 5.7, 6.3, section 3 was unmarked in my cohort
Work Experience/Volunteering: 3 months at a primary school as a teacher's assistant, 5 weeks in pathology/radiology
Extra Curricular: prefect, cricket 2nd XI, Chair biology society, Young Enterprise
Post application: Biology Olympiad gold, Chemistry Olympiad silver, School Prizes in Psychology, Biology, Chemistry
Universities applied to and decisions:
Cambridge (King's College) - Offer, Firm AAA
Birmingham Offer, Insurance AAB
Manchester (Keele) Offer, Declined AAB
Edinburgh Unsuccessful
Year of Entry:2007
GCSEs:5xA* 6xA
A2 Prediction/Results:AAAA/AAAC
Previous Degree (if applicable): None
UKCAT (if applicable): 650 average
BMAT (if applicable): Not sat
Work Experience/Volunteering: An afternoon a week at the local hospital voluntary services department being sent out to help on wards, for two years. A few weeks in a nursing home. (how much resemblance that bears to what I actually did is open to debate)
Extra Curricular: Lots of gliding, note how medical safety regulation is modeled on aviation, and getting more so.
Universities applied to and decisions: St Andrews, offer
Leeds, offer
Aberdeen, offer of anything but medicine at silly low grades, then offer on results day.
Cardiff, rejected.
I had an arrangement with bath that a place for electrical engineering was available if I wanted it too. (outside UCAS)
Reply 13
Graduate Entry

Year of Entry:2009 (applied for 2008 entry)
Deferred?: Yes (not by choice, was put on waiting list)
GCSEs:2A 6B 2C
AS Grades: BCCC
A2 Results: CDE, Bio, Chem and Maths
Previous Degree (if applicable): Human Biology 2:1 (Staffordshire uni)

UKCAT : Verbal Reasoning 700
Quantitative Reasoning: 640
Abstract Reasoning: 540 (Not included due to concerns from UKCAT, so for this year only abstract reasoning was not included)
Decision Analysis: 560
Average: 633 1/3

GAMSAT :Section I: 60
Section II: 62
Section III:57
Overall: 59

Work Experience/Volunteering: 1 Year* as a Medical Laboratory Assistant in Haematology. 6 months* volunteering on a Cardiology and Renal ward, 6 months* as a First Aider for the British red cross.

*at time of application, obviously a lot longer now

Universities applied to and decisions:Swansea 2008 GEP - Rejected pre-interview
Nottingham 2008 GEM - Rejected post-interview
St Georges 2008 GEP - Rejected post-interview Then Accepted out of the blue in July 2008 for 2009 entry!
Warwick 2008 GEP - Rejected pre-interview

Hope this helps show some people worried about Grad entry it is not all about the grades. GAMSAT and UKCAT were taken in 2007 for 2008 entry.
Year of Entry: 2007
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 9 A*s 2 As
AS Grades: aaaa in chemistry, biology, maths and physics
A2 Prediction/Results: AAAA in the above
UKCAT (if applicable): 702.5 average I think
Work Experience/Volunteering: 3 days hospital, 2 days GP
Extra Curricular: Amnesty International, bit of current affairs society, Saturday job in a pharmacy.
Universities applied to and decisions:
Glasgow AAB: firm
Manchester AAB: insurance
Liverpool: AABb
Queens Belfast: AAAa
Reply 15
Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: No
GCSEs: 5A*'s, 5A's and a B
AS Grades: AAAA (Biology, Chemistry, History and Maths)
A2 Prediction/Results: AAA (Biology, Chemistry and Maths)
Previous Degree (if applicable):
UKCAT (if applicable): 640
BMAT (if applicable):
Work Experience/Volunteering: 1 weeks work experience in a hospital, almost 1 year volunteering in a hospice.
Extra Curricular: Flight Sergeant in Air Cadets, 1st Kyu Brown Belt in Karate.
Universities applied to and decisions:
Newcastle - Offer AAA
Lancaster - Offer AAB
Liverpool - Offer AAB
Manchester - Rejected
Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: Nah
GCSEs: 4 A*s, 4.5 A's, 2.5 B's
AS Grades: A (maths) BBBB (bio [2 UMS off A], chem [3 UMS off A], further maths, GS), C (physics).
A2 Results: AAA (bio, chem, maths)
Previous Degree (if applicable): n/a
UKCAT (if applicable): 685 (700, 690, 690, 660)
BMAT (if applicable): n/a
Work Experience/Volunteering: 8 months volunteering on hospital ward
pharmacy assistant in local pharmacy, undertaking sales of medicine course
Extra Curricular: D of E bronze, silver and gold
Played Hockey, clarinet, and sing in school choir
Universities applied to and decisions:
Leicester, Interview, Offer AAB (first choice), Grades acheived, attending
Notts, Rejection w/o interview (no feedback)
Soton, Rejection w/o interview (inferior to other applicants)
Cardiff, Rejection w/o interview (GCSE grades not good enough)
Year of Entry:


2A*s 5As 4Bs 1C

AS Grades:
AAAAB (Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Studies)

A2 Prediction/Results:
AAAAB (Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, General Studies)

Previous Degree (if applicable):

UKCAT (if applicable):
675 average

BMAT (if applicable):
N/A this year

Work Experience/Volunteering:
2 weeks hospital pharmacy
1 week doctor surgery
1 week medical centre
1 week another medical centre
1 month hospital in Mexico

Extra Curricular:
Was a prefect in school
Red Cross 2 hours a week
Qualified First Aider
Volunteering in a Nursing Home

Universities applied to and decisions:
Barts and the London - Offer! Conditional on Health Checks ie Unconditional
St Georges - Rejection after interview
Keele - Interview invite but withdrawn before attending due to having the Barts offer
Kings College - Rejection without interview...

Also... Maths at Nottingham - Offer :awesome:

And if anyone is interested on my failure of last year :p:


What if you don't have any GSCEs or A-levels? This thread is awful. :p:

Scottish Applicant:

Year of Entry: 2009
Standard Grades: 1111112 (Int 2 A)
Highers: 5A's (Chemistry, Human Biology, Maths, Computing, English)
Advanced Higher Predictions: 3 A's (Chemistry, Biology, Music)
UKCAT (if applicable):703
Work Experience/Volunteering: 1 week hospital, 1 day (mammoth, i know) GP, 3 months volunteering in children's ward
Extra Curricular: Piano - Grade 5, Guitar - Grade 7. Head Boy. First aid. Honestly can't remember what I put.

Universities applied to and decisions:

Edinburgh - Uncond.
Aberdeen - Uncond.
Newcastle - Interview - withdrawn (received offer from first choice and my ego is big enough)
Dundee - Interview - withdrawn (as above)
Reply 19
Year of Entry: 2009
Deferred?: Nope
GCSEs: 10 A*s and a distinction
AS Grades: aaaaa(a) [bracketed a is bio prediction, currently sitting now]
A2 Prediction/Results: AAAA
Previous Degree (if applicable): nopes
UKCAT (if applicable): 650
BMAT (if applicable): 19.6

Work Experience/Volunteering:
X a few months doing a few hours weekly at the local hospital generally helping out
X a week at cardiff's cure for the common cold research centre
X 2 weeks observing stem cell research at swansea uni
X a week at morriston hospital shadowing various doctors

Extra Curricular: headboy, gold d of e, teenage mentor, managing director of a YE company, electrical engineer for EESW team, school council, bursar on charity committee, semipro bass guitarist (grade 8), grade 6 piano (grade 5 jazz) and double bass (play for county) and play electric guitar in a rock band, worked weekends in boots for 2 and a half years, into kiteboarding/mountainboarding for fun.

Universities applied to and decisions:

oxford - rejection (post interview)
edinburgh - rejection (not enough extra curriculars)
cardiff - rejection (post interview)
bristol - rejection (for biotechnology)
UCL - AAB(b) offer

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