Year of Entry: 2006
Deferred?: nope
GCSEs: 7A*s and 2As (double science, maths, english lang and lit, french, german and As in history and music)
AS: 4As (biology, chemistry, maths, physics)
A2s: AAA (biology, chemistry, maths)
Extra Curricular: st john ambulance - full first aid certificate + manual handling + medical gases certification + NCO, grade 8 violin, working on grade 8 piano, various orchestras (including leading school orchestra), school council, school listening service, student librarian at school etc.
Work Experience / finding out more about medicine: Medlink, Medsim, 1 year work exp at a vets, 1 week on a ward, 1 week work observation placements (including time in theatres and GPland), 2 trips to Romania working in various institutions and orphanages voluntarily, st john duties
Nottingham: interviewed 2/12/05, rejected officially 11/04/06, apparently I'm not empathetic...
St George's: interviewed 6/12/05, rejected 15/12/05 no extra feedback given
Edinburgh: rejected 13/03/06, not enough A*s at GCSE, too many applicants and apparently only average extracurricular activities
UEA: interviewed 10/04/06, AAB offer 11/04/06... CONDITIONAL FIRM
Charles University Prague, Offer: conditional on completing a levels