Why can't we forget the PAST?

Written by a member of the TSR community

The world is a difficult place.

There are many times when we wanted to forget the past so that it won't hunt us for eternity. But WHY IS IT SO HARD?

Why aren't some people able to forget something they wished never happened? Are we not meant to live happily? Where we, born to suffer?


We are only humans, we're not god, angels, devils, mythical creatures or fantasy creatures. We're only HUMANS and as humans, we possess an emotion called fear.

Yes, we are just scared.

It's not because we're unlucky or the world hates us, it's because we are scared to change. We fear trying something new because we don't know how it's going to end. We are just scared. There's nothing wrong within us, we are all amazing people. We're just scared to accept that. It's like we're walking into a tunnel not knowing when it's going to end so some people just decide to not enter at all because they don't know how long it's gonna take or what's inside- we fear the unknown.

It's our mentality that stops us from trying new things. If only we can learn to accept ourselves. The past won't matter because it's the PAST.

All we have to do is to look at ourself in the mirror and smile, ignore what's around you, don't think about what happened, just clear your head and focus at your reflection. Smile while looking at your beautiful face. That's who you are. No one can take your identity from you.

Close your eyes and imagine a future where you're laughing happily. Did you see any of those people that ruined your past, in your imagination?

No, because they are not your future, they are just a bad past, they were only people that were assigned to come to your life by god so that you could learn to be who you are today.

And if yes, you did see them then it means you have accepted both them and your past. Think about it, why should we ruin our precious life for people who never cared to look back at us. They are living their life happily so why shouldn't we.

Yes, I know, it's easier said then done but if we start by making a few changes then before we know it a whole new us will arise. We are only humans but as humans, we are invincible creatures taught to make the impossible possible. So what if we're scared! We can just make it so that we are not.

For everyone that is reading this, remember nothing is impossible, all you have to do in believe in yourself, YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON. It's okay to be scared but don't let it stop you from living your life the way you wanted. Take your time, slowly, adapt yourself to accept who you really are. You were born to be loved.

The past will remain as it is, there's no way to forget it but no one said we can't just accept it and laugh it out, but the future is able to change at any point.

Remember the past can't stop us nor can the people from the past. 

We are strong enough to overcome our fears so DON'T GIVE UP!


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