One of the "downsides" of the gay scene in Aber is that there's no specific gay venues. That being said, I haven't seen any homophobia and Aber is rather tolerant to everyone. And hopefully the Guild will implement a Zero Tolerance policy in the union bars soon. With discrimination based on sexuality being illegal in Britain, of course the University are friendly and the Guild are also - the Equal Opportunities Officer is there for precisely that, to represent minorities and fight for equality, provide support, etc. The current officer is LGBT but I'm not sure whether that's actually a requirement.
I was a bit nervous about the gay scene before I got to Aber, but i've found everyone incredibly accepting. There are more than a few of us around, and we're not that difficult to find
I thought they still stoned gays in West Wales. Along with the burning of witches and wicker effigies. Well, it's good to see them moving forward. If they can only stop speaking that silly language they call Welsh ...