Hi, I am still in college but I'm applying to aberystwyth university to study mental health nursing next year. How is the admission process like, I mean the interview part. Thank you
Hi, I am still in college but I'm applying to aberystwyth university to study mental health nursing next year. How is the admission process like, I mean the interview part. Thank you
Hi! Started this September. The interview for aber was probably the chillest one I had, they asked about my motivation to join the course and some of the general questions they ask in all of the interviews.
Aber were my last interview, I think I got my conditional fairly quickly afterwards.
Hi! Started this September. The interview for aber was probably the chillest one I had, they asked about my motivation to join the course and some of the general questions they ask in all of the interviews. Aber were my last interview, I think I got my conditional fairly quickly afterwards.
Oh that's good to hear, thank you. How diverse are the people on the course. Are there many black people.
Oh that's good to hear, thank you. How diverse are the people on the course. Are there many black people.
There are a few, we have a lot of international students too so there is a bit of diversity, probably not as much as you would have in other unis/areas of Wales though.
There are a few, we have a lot of international students too so there is a bit of diversity, probably not as much as you would have in other unis/areas of Wales though.