My boyfriend wants to move upto Newcastle with me if I end up going to uni there in September..which I currently have no problem with. The problem is that he wants us to live together up there, which I'm not so keen on. There are the obvious disadvantages of not living in halls such as not making as many friends, being secluded etc. etc. but I also think it will put a lot of pressure on our relationship.
I'll probably end up moving in with him in the 2nd and 3rd years as I'll have to find somewhere to live anyway, I just don't want to live with him right away. I think it'd be better if we lived apart because then we could still do our own thing but spend time together.
I've been looking on the net for flats near to the uni that he could live in so we'd still be close by, how do I break it to him that I'm not keen on living with him? I don't want to offend or upset him or make him feel like I don't want him up there with me, because I do.
Please don't tell me that its stupid for him to move up there with me blah de blah - thats not what the issue is, I just want to know how to go about telling him that I don't want to live with him right away.