I made a mistake a few months ago, I bought some snus online, When my parents found out and questioned me, I handed the snus into them. I later destroyed and binned any snus I had left and quit. They have since continued to punish me and question me, They are punishing me saying the punishments will continue untill I hand the rest of the snus into them, however I dont have any. They are always shouting at me and saying how my existence is an inconvenience and every time I see them They always shout at me and make fun of me. At the moment I am a few months away from my GCSE's and my parents are very controlling. I get good grades and my mock results were mainly 7's and 8's with 2 6's. I have no phone, and I got to bed with no laptop at 10 o clock. They have taken my phone and removed the phone contract, even though the phone was a gift to me and I am more than happy to pay for the contract myself. They have taken all my passwords and online banking under control and I am not allowed to have a card or cash. I cannot see any friends and I live in the middle of the countryside with no neighbours. I feel isolated and alone at the moment. and I have no access to money or any privacy. They have cancelled my tractor driving test and will not even let me go on a bike ride. They continue to punish me even more, for example, my brother wanted to go and see a car for sale which was a 2 hour drive away from us. I told my parents the day before that I did not want to come and view the car because it was the easter holidays and i didnt feel like spending hours on the road for a car i'm not looking at. They said this was fine a day ago, but literally minutes before we had to set off, they started demanding that I go with them, I told them that they had told me it was fine yesterday, and I stood my ground and refused to go. Since then I have only exchanged a few words with them and they are constantly trying to shout at me. I feel like im isolated, and can't even message my friends. Any advice?