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Buckingham University ?

Buckingham University. I know its private and apparently scored really high on the NSS and you can get a degree in two years. I am going to do a post grad for sure hopefully if my grades are good then in a top ten uni. And then lets after that I start applying for jobs. I know that loads of factors matter when you apply for a job such as extra circulars, work experience. what level of honors was obtained in the degree etc. But what worries me is that I don't want to apply for a job only to know that the employer doesn't even know my university existed. Does anyone whats the rep of the uni with the employers and is the university known in the UK. Thank you

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It tends to only offer more vocational/applied courses, which is why many on TSR haven't heard of it. As it doesn't do physical sciences it isn't on my radar I'm afraid.
Reply 2
Why would you want to go there?
Why would you want to go there?

Why would you not?
Reply 4
Why would you not?

Well the fees are a detterent to the majority of people...and it's pointless, I mean who would honestly rather go there as opposed to a really good state uni (if they could get into both?)
Well the fees are a detterent to the majority of people...and it's pointless, I mean who would honestly rather go there as opposed to a really good state uni (if they could get into both?)

I don't know, people who want to do a degree faster I suppose.
Reply 6
Well the main reason for applying there is that I can get my Degree in two years. And in terms of fees I am an international student so either way I pay quite a bit. But in Buckingham, coz its two years I ll save up on living costs and other indirect costs. Oh well guess a lot of people have no idea about the university. Guess I ll just wait to get my track number and wait for a reply from the unis I applied to. Damn UCAS takes two weeks for my letter to reach me.
Buckingham uni is the most over subsribed uni in the country anyway 16.8 apps per place, it's not really that well known though, so doesn't have much of a rep.
Reply 8
Well the fees are a detterent to the majority of people...and it's pointless, I mean who would honestly rather go there as opposed to a really good state uni (if they could get into both?)

The fees aren't that much more. It's £7500 for 2 years instead of just over £3000 for 3. So if you were to drop out or repeat a year etc it would be pretty much the same. And you would save on the living costs as goali2 already stated; if you think your maintenance loan is at least £3000, then you've saved that £3000 by doing a year less.
So it's (7500+3000)*2 for Buckingham, or (3000+3000)*3 for everywhere else. Ish.

The other advantages are that they have 2 or 3 start times a year for each course, so you could take half a gap year (or a slightly longer one), or some international students receive their results at a different time and could start uni straight away. And if you're a mature student, you'd have to study for one year less which might be beneficial with other arrangements.
They also reply a hell of a lot quicker than other unis; I got a reply one day after applying, and I hadn't even completed half the application.
I like the sound of Buckingham. Though I doubt I'd get in, I suppose it would be my dream uni.
Despite being unknown, the teaching quality there is amazing apparently, and has a student/staff ratio even smaller than UCL's. It has a very good reputation for law I believe. The vast majority of the intake are international students since they can graduate after 2 years instead of 3, but the workload is obviously higher than for the standard undergrad degree and they have less holidays. It is indeed pretty competitive to get into, mostly due to the high number of applicants per place.

To the OP: one of my relatives (an international student) got the equivalent of 4 A's and went to Buckingham uni for his LLB (got a 2.1). He then went on to do his LLM at UCL (got a 1st), so top public unis do recognise the high standards of a Buckingham degree. Hope that helps.

EDIT: Oh, and he works for a top bank now
The Orientalist

To the OP: one of my relatives (an international student) got the equivalent of 4 A's and went to Buckingham uni for his LLB (got a 2.1). He then went on to do his LLM at UCL (got a 1st), so top public unis do recognise the high standards of a Buckingham degree. Hope that helps.

He got an undergraduate classification for a postgraduate degree?
If you want to do a 2 year degree, why not look at staffs, leeds met, northampton derby, medway
if time is all you are after.

normal fee situation, just need extra living costs over summer.
He got an undergraduate classification for a postgraduate degree?

That's what he told me, but I guess he meant a disctinction which is of equivalent standard to a 1st.
If you want to do a 2 year degree, why not look at staffs, leeds met, northampton derby, medway
if time is all you are after.

normal fee situation, just need extra living costs over summer.

But the OP is an international student, he'll be paying more than the normal fees. Buckingham is by far the best choice for an international student who wishes to graduate in 2 years.
Reply 15
I only know about it because I live a few villages away from it. No idea what employers think of it. I'm pretty sure there are some testimonials on their website, you might be able to get an idea from that.
Is there anyone on here that is currently at the university?
I have a friend who goes to Buckingham and I've been to a few lectures (law) there when I was down seeing her. The place is pretty small and everyone knows everyone else and everything about them. I only know it for law, I have no idea about its reputation for anything else. Students there get no real summer holiday (so no chance of working through to raise money before going back to uni) but you could probably find work near the uni if you really needed to.
i'd imagine the nightlife would be pretty crap no?
For all those who say that Buckingham has a lot of competion for places that is a whole load of rubish as the get only 1 applicant per place because very few UK students apply and it is not very popular in the UK. Also the more students they have the more money they get so they are very relutant to reject students because all their funding comes from the students that study there. As far as compettion for places the grade requirments for a lot of courses are not as bad and on average it is about BBB-CCC (I think).

It has been known to have a crap night life as very few people go there but that doesn't bother me. I might apply for Buckingham for Law & Economics outside of UCAS (for a scholaship as well) depending on whether Cambridge offers me a place otherwise I don't see the point if they don't give me a scholaship and might as well go to a state uni.

You can also apply outside of UCAS so that you still have your 5 choices in UCAS and then Buckingham.