I was indeed the Japanologist at Emma on the 4th, did we meet?
Sorry, I bad with this sort of thing >_> Oh but I do remember talk to lots of people in the Emma common room place, what did we talk about?
My interview was pretty Japan based, but I name dropped half a dozen books on japan in my PS so they prolly wanted to test that I did actually read some...
It's a good thing I had! They saw I was doing the Cold War in history and asked me to explain Japan's position in the Cold War (the course has /nothing/ to do with Japan) so I talked about her relationship with American in the western Bloc, they then pushed me furhter asking how Japan was able to co-operate with the country she has been fighting so recently, I mentioned a theory of how it was their willingness to accept defeat that allowed them to put their past behind, and then they took that answer and asked why it was that they were willing to accept defeat. They really kept going >_<
Then I had to do some grammar, character spotting work, which I don't think I did that well, and I had to read a passage of Clash of the Civilisations and summerise it's arguement.
I actually really enjoyed it, but I machocistic like that.