I am currently studying graphic design at uni. I no longer have passion for the subject and after talking to friends and family, I realised I dislike graphic design and how miserable it makes me. I like being creative but doing the course has made me want to stop making art. since I’ve started my course during the pandemic I didn’t fully realise how much I was missing out on in my uni experience too.
My true passion is helping find solutions to preserve and help the environment. I was very into geography, biology and chemistry in secondary school. Im not a huge maths whiz and don’t do well with studies focused very much in mathematics and equations or engineering and economics.
I would want a course that is more research based with fieldwork and that is hands on and focused on identifying problems and figuring out solutions.
I don’t mind where the course is but I’d like somewhere closer to home (like 2 hours on the train) - I live in Wiltshire.
I’ve been considering Birmingham, UWE, ULC, Greenwich, Royal Holloway Collage, Bath Spa and Essex and Brighton at a push for distance.
I’d need a place that didn’t require prior experience as I did graphic design at college.
Is anyone on the environmental courses at those unis that could tell me what it’s like? Or any other Unis that are good.
I also would like an exciting and busy place where in my downtime I can go to a gig, a cool place to eat, and to the club with friends.
Thank you