The Student Room Group

Geo history math

Hi guys, my A level geo history and math, was planning to take law in Uni, besides Law, what other degree I can apply with these subjects and which Uni?
Original post by berberber
Hi guys, my A level geo history and math, was planning to take law in Uni, besides Law, what other degree I can apply with these subjects and which Uni?

TSR actually has a website for this sort of query. See:

To give you a general answer though (I haven't looked through the specifics of each uni):
With history, maths, and geo, you can do degrees in their respective subjects.
With maths + the other 2 subjects, you can do:


Economics and MORSE

Financial mathematics, actuarial science, finance, and financial engineering

Computer science and software engineering


With the geography and maths combo, you should be able to do:

Geology, geophysics, and geoscience

Geography can sometimes count as an extra science for degree that require 2 sciences (maths is usually considered one), but you would need to look through individual STEM degrees to see whether this is the case (they can vary from degree to degree). If they do permit any 2 sciences as an entry requirement, it's usually in life sciences and healthcare related degrees.
So for example, you might be able to find degrees in ecology and environmental sciences that would accept maths and geography as the required subjects.

Then you can do degrees that accept A Levels in any subject, including:

Anything in business expect for financial mathematics and actuarial science - you should be fine with finance since you have Maths




Sociology and criminology

Most psychology degrees

Some degrees in creative writing and English literature

Nonquantiative economics degrees







Some art and design degrees, including architecture

Some geography degrees (usually ones with emphasis on human geography) - you should be fine here because of geography

Some history degrees - you should be able to do all history degrees

Some nutrition degrees


Game design


Property and urban planning


Media studies


Paramedic science

Social work

Without using AI or having a complete database of the entry requirements for all courses in the country, I would probably struggle to find all the courses that you would be eligible for within a reasonable amount of time.
Have a look at this list of degrees - Undergraduate Courses, Degrees : Study : University of Sussex
American Studies, Anthropology, Criminology, Education, Engineering, Film Studies, Geography, History, International Development, Law, Liberal Arts, Marketing, Maths, Politics, Sociology - all are possible

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