The Student Room Group

Official Heriot-Watt University 2023 Applicant Thread


This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to Heriot-Watt University for 2023!

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:

What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

You can find the list of all other applicant threads for 2023 here. Good luck! :heart:

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Reply 1
Hi thereApplied to HW to do Civil engineering, I'm doing Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Psychology.Put my UCAS in 2 weeks ago... and last night got an offer from there! So pleased, it was the first Uni I visited.

I’ve applied to EEE at Heriot watt. Been out of school since 2015 so it’ll be a big change from what I’ve been doing since then.
I got a notification from UCAS track on the 14th saying I’ve got an offer but I’ve heard nothing from Heriot-Watt themselves, is that normal?
Reply 4
Original post by GiftedDipstick
I got a notification from UCAS track on the 14th saying I’ve got an offer but I’ve heard nothing from Heriot-Watt themselves, is that normal?

When date did you apply and how long till u got the offer ?
Son got CS offer. Applied Thurs offer arrived following Monday
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
Son got CS offer. Applied Thurs offer arrived following Monday

What did he apply for ? (If u don’t mind me asking)
Reply 7
I am a hwu alumni

ask me anything! Did actuarial science at this university
Original post by Keni Bee
What did he apply for ? (If u don’t mind me asking)

Computer Science offer was ABB
Reply 9
Original post by Ewanlee
I am a hwu alumni

ask me anything! Did actuarial science at this university

Is it easy and inexpensive to get in and out of the city (Edinburgh) ? Also does it get like super quiet because I visited the uni and barely anyone was about.
Original post by Keni Bee
Is it easy and inexpensive to get in and out of the city (Edinburgh) ? Also does it get like super quiet because I visited the uni and barely anyone was about.

hi soo I studied at the Malaysian branch of the university, hence wouldn't be able to comment much on Edinburgh unfortunately

however, I really love the teaching stuff for their devotion and amiableness! graduate prospects are great especially if you get first class
Just got an offer ABB for Geography (MA) , one day after I sent my form in !!!!!
Original post by Keni Bee
When date did you apply and how long till u got the offer ?

I applied on the 7th October and got the notification and offer on UCAS on the 14th November, still not heard anything from the uni themselves though!
Reply 13
Original post by GiftedDipstick
I applied on the 7th October and got the notification and offer on UCAS on the 14th November, still not heard anything from the uni themselves though!

Which course did you apply for?
Reply 14
Original post by ljgrayling
Computer Science offer was ABB

Is it difficult to get into this university?
Is it difficult to get into this university?

No idea, would have to look at their admissions data.
Which course did you apply for?

Mechanical engineering with energy engineering
Reply 17
Hi! I’ve applied for both mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering with energy engineering, I haven’t heard back yet but I only applied on Saturday 🤷🏻*♀️ I heard someone say they weren’t giving out anymore offers until after Christmas, does anyone know if that’s true?
Reply 18
Hey is anyone going to HW for engineering? I start in September
Hi, how long did people have to wait before they received an offer? I applied on the 19th of December for mechanical engineering.

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