The Student Room Group
Hi! I’ve applied to Uni of South Wales for Primary Education.Anyone else?🤞
Reply 2
Original post by Evil Homer

This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to University of South Wales for 2023!

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:

What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

You can find the list of all other applicant threads for 2023 here. Good luck! :heart:

Hi! Currently looking at applying for 'Logistics, Procurement And Supply Chain Management + Foundation Year'
Original post by Evil Homer

This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to University of South Wales for 2023!

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:

What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

You can find the list of all other applicant threads for 2023 here. Good luck! :heart:

Has anyone else applied for film/music studies?
Hi I am applying for MSc data science , anyone applying?