The Student Room Group

Frasers Group Elevation Programme

Hi everyone

I just wanted to see if anyone else had applied for the Commercial Elevation Programme at Frasers Group?

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I have!
Reply 2
Original post by A15J0107
I have!

How have you found it?
Reply 3
have you guys had a video interview/ what stage are you on
im waiting to hear back regarding my video interview
Original post by Juanito14
How have you found it?

Found it ok, interview is very casual and the interviewer really put my mind at ease. How are you finding it?
have you guys had a video interview/ what stage are you on

im waiting to hear back regarding my video interview
Reply 7
do you know when they’re meant to tell us if we’ve got an assessment centre ?
Reply 8
Think the last interviews are tomorrow so I'm hoping this week some time. I remember my interviewer said assessment centres were in March.

Really hoping it's soon as I've been stressing since my interview!
Original post by Juanito14
Think the last interviews are tomorrow so I'm hoping this week some time. I remember my interviewer said assessment centres were in March.

Really hoping it's soon as I've been stressing since my intervi

Yeh you would think with the assessment centre being this month they will let people know this week. I was reading through the threads from previous years and some people found out they had got through on the same day as their interview.
Hi, I’m also waiting to hear back about my interview. I had it on the 1st of march, how long have you all been waiting? I was told the first assessment centre is on the 9th so I’m a bit worried.
Reply 11
I had my interview on the 8th of February, so quite a while!
I didn't realise assessment centres were starting as early as the 9th, that's quite concerning
I had my interview at the end of last week and have been invited to an assessment centre this morning
Reply 13
Original post by luckycat112
I had my interview at the end of last week and have been invited to an assessment centre this morning

Well done! When is your assessment centre? Is this for the commercial programme as well?
Original post by Juanito14
Well done! When is your assessment centre? Is this for the commercial programme as well?

im assuming they must be telling people over the next couple of days. I wonder if they actually inform people if they weren't successful or not?
Assessment centre is next week and yes it's for the commercial programme
Reply 16
Original post by luckycat112
Assessment centre is next week and yes it's for the commercial programme

Best of luck with it!
Original post by A15J0107
im assuming they must be telling people over the next couple of days. I wonder if they actually inform people if they weren't successful or not?

I really hope that they do, I hate not knowing. Even if they just send out a generic email to let us know that we were unsuccessful would be better than nothing at all.
Hi anyone here going to the assessment centre in two weeks?
Reply 19
Really hoping for an email today because the waiting is the hardest part. Especially if others are hearing back already.

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