The Student Room Group

LAE offers

Hi guys! okay so this is my situation:
I got my rejection letter from LAE like today morning, however after a while my offer status on my account changed from "declined" to "pending"
does anyone what does that mean?
What does LAE stand for?
Reply 2
It stands for London Academy of excellence :smile:
Can someone please help me I am desperate to get into LAE but I was sent an email on 15 feb saying that they will not take my application further. I am doing higher tier for everything except Spanish. My predicted grades were bad and not 7s so I lied and put the minimum entry requirements as you need to get 7s to jsut apply and I just wanted to apply. If I get 7s in at GCSE (basically if i met the entry requirement on results day) can I still get in. However they did say in the email "There may be the possibility of reviewing your application in light of better-than-expected results in the summer, and we will be in touch nearer the time with details if so."
Can someone from LAE or anyone with experience with these elite schools tell me if I could get in on results day. Pls how do you apply on results day do you phone the sixth form or go there in person on GCSE results day?

I also applied to Brampton but their GPA is 6.5 and that is just basically 7s in every single subject and highly unrealistic with 9 GCSE's

p.s i want to do Maths, Economics, Psychology and Politics.

Someone pls help me out here I AM DESPERATE.
Original post by d_rehman
Can someone please help me I am desperate to get into LAE but I was sent an email on 15 feb saying that they will not take my application further. I am doing higher tier for everything except Spanish. My predicted grades were bad and not 7s so I lied and put the minimum entry requirements as you need to get 7s to jsut apply and I just wanted to apply. If I get 7s in at GCSE (basically if i met the entry requirement on results day) can I still get in. However they did say in the email "There may be the possibility of reviewing your application in light of better-than-expected results in the summer, and we will be in touch nearer the time with details if so."
Can someone from LAE or anyone with experience with these elite schools tell me if I could get in on results day. Pls how do you apply on results day do you phone the sixth form or go there in person on GCSE results day?

I also applied to Brampton but their GPA is 6.5 and that is just basically 7s in every single subject and highly unrealistic with 9 GCSE's

p.s i want to do Maths, Economics, Psychology and Politics.

Someone pls help me out here I AM DESPERATE.

Don't worry, if you get the grades and you email them on results day, they'll accept you nonetheless - this year they were letting new people join up until october half term. I'm a y12 at lae btdubs. ofc they'll accept offer holders first, but if you have the grades, they'll probably let you in.
Reply 5
can someone please help me out? i applied at lae stratford and all of my predicted were 6667778889 and my grades were higher than their entry requirements for the subjects i want to study at a level however few days ago i got an email saying that they will no longer continue with my application but on the application it says pending.
Original post by lhishh
can someone please help me out? i applied at lae stratford and all of my predicted were 6667778889 and my grades were higher than their entry requirements for the subjects i want to study at a level however few days ago i got an email saying that they will no longer continue with my application but on the application it says pending.

honestly it won’t say declined it says pending for everyone who didn’t get in
Original post by lhishh
can someone please help me out? i applied at lae stratford and all of my predicted were 6667778889 and my grades were higher than their entry requirements for the subjects i want to study at a level however few days ago i got an email saying that they will no longer continue with my application but on the application it says pending.

did u end up going

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