The Student Room Group

GCSE French WOW Phrases

I've created a similar thread to this before, but I thought I would make it a little concise - although you can check my other threads to find a larger compilation of vocabulary.

This is from a tsr user, and I will be sure to edit it, so feel free to add recommendations to help out others taking their GCSEs.

Tout d’abord First of all
Premièrement Firstly
Pour commencer To start off with

Personal opinions
À mon avis / Selon moi In my opinion
Pour ma part / En ce qui me concerne As far as I’m concerned
À mon sens As I see it
Il me semble que It seems to me that
J’estime que I consider that
Je soutiens que I maintain that
Je suis d’avis que I am of the opinion that
Je suis persuadé que I am convinced that
Je pense / crois que I think / believe that
Je dirais que I would say that
J'imagine que I imagine that
Ce que je dis, en fait, c'est que- What I am saying, in fact, is that
Ce qui me frappe le plus, c’est que What strikes me the most is that

Impersonal expressions
Force est de constater que One cannot help stating that
On pourrait aller même jusqu'à dire que One could go so far as to say that
On ne peut pas s'empêcher de penser que One cannot help thinking that
Il est impossible d’ouvrir un journal sans lire que It is impossible to open a newspaper without reading that
Il faut néanmoins nuancer cette affirmation en disant que This claim should nevertheless be qualified by saying that
Il faut reconnaître que One must recognise that
Qu'on ne s'y trompe pas en pensant que - Let's not trick ourselves into thinking that
Ce serait une erreur de croire que - It would be a mistake to believe that
Il serait vain de nier que It would be pointless to deny that
Il faut bien souligner / préciser que It must be emphasised that
Il faut donc rappeler que - It is therefore necessary to remember that
Il paraît donc évident que - It appears therefore clear that
Il ne faut pas oublier que - You must not forget that
Il faut avouer que It must be admitted that
Qui peut s'opposer à ce point de vue? Who might object to this view?

Sentence starters
Franchement Frankly
Personnellement Personally
En fait In fact
À vrai dire To tell the truth
Certes Admittedly / Certainly / Indeed
Vraisemblablement In all likelihood / In all probability
Heureusement Fortunately
Malheureusement Unfortunately
Par conséquent Consequently / As a result
Tout simplement Quite simply

En outre / En plus de… / De plus / De surcroît (very formal) Furthermore
Donc Therefore
Cela expliquerait pourquoi - That would explain why
Cela revient à dire que This boils down to saying that
Il va de soi que - It goes without saying that
C’est-à-dire That is to say
Ceci dit That having been said
Pour cette raison For this reason
En d’autre termes / Autrement dit In other words
D’une part / D’autre part On the one hand / On the other hand
D'un côté / D’autre côté On the one hand / On the other hand

Le revers de la médaille, c’est que The other side of the coin is that
Par contre / Au contraire On the contrary
En revanche On the other hand
Tandis que - Whereas
Cependant / Toutefois However
Néanmoins Nevertheless / Nonetheless
À l’inverse Conversely / Alternatively / Instead
Pourtant Yet

Synonyms to ‘parce que / car’ (because)
Puisque Since / As
En raison de / Á cause de Due to
Vu que Seeing that / Seeing as
Étant donné que / Compte tenu du fait que Given that
Grâce à Thanks to

With regards to the situation / problem…
Vis-à-vis de ce problème As for this problem / Face to face with this problem
La contrepartie des avantages considérables présentées est que The downside to the considerable advantages offered is that
Bien qu’il faille reconnaître qu’il y a des avantages de (voyager, par exemple), on doit auissi reconnaître qu’il y a des inconvénients - Although one must recognise that there are advantages of (travelling, for example), one must also recognise that there are disadvantages
Malgré tous ces problèmes, le catastrophisme n'est pas de mise Despite all these problems, it is not all gloom-and-doom
Sans vouloir critiquer cette façon de procéder, on peut constater que Without wishing to criticise this course of action, it can be said that

Describing the situation / problem
Un véritable casse-tête - A real headache
Une question épineuse A thorny question
Une situation inquiétante - A worrying situation
Un obstacle insurmontable - An unsurmountable obstacle
Une tâche quasiment impossible - A virtually impossible task

Short, snappy, idiomatic phrases
Quoi qu'il en soit Whatever the case (I would like to go to university…)
Quoi qu’on fasse, on doit Whatever you do, you must (help people…)
Quel que soit le prix Whatever the price (I will go to France this year…)
Qu’on le veuille ou non Whether you like it or not
Quel dommage! What a pity!
Quelle surprise! What a surprise!
Sans doute Without a doubt
Vouloir, c’est pouvoir Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Seul l’avenir nous le dira Only time will tell us
Tout est bien qui finit bien All's well that ends well

Subjunctive triggers
Bien que Although / Even though
Il faut que It is necessary that
Il est important que It is important that
Il est nécessaire que It is necessary that
Il est dommage que It is a pity/shame that
Il semble que It seems that
avant que before (the situation worsens, for example)
pour que / afin que so that (I can go to France, for example)
à condition que provided that (I get into university, for example)
Je ne pense / crois pas que I do not think / believe that
Je n'imagine pas que I do not imagine that
Je veux que I want that
Je n’espère pas que I do not hope that
Je suis surprise que I am surprised that

Note: When the subjunctive trigger is used, change the ‘subject’. Don’t say: I don’t think that I can study French. Instead, say, I don’t think that he can / it is possible. If you want to say I don’t think that I…, then use ‘Je ne pense pas + infinitive’. So, ‘Je ne pense pas pouvoir étudier le français’ means I don’t think that I can study French.

Conclusive phrases
En guise de conclusion By way of conclusion
En conclusion / Pour conclure In conclusion / To conclude
Dans l’ensemble - Overall
En fin de compte At the end of the day / When all is said and done
Tout bien réfléchi / considéré - All things considered
Toutes choses considérées, on peut déduire que All things considered, we can deduce that
À tout prendre j'en viens à conclure que Taking everything into account I come to the conclusion that
Tout semble indiquer que Everything seems to indicate that
Reply 1
this is AMAZING! thank you so much for sharing - absolute life saver!
Original post by artem1s
this is AMAZING! thank you so much for sharing - absolute life saver!

Were they useful for your exam yesterday?
Reply 3
Original post by Evil Homer
Were they useful for your exam yesterday?

i've only just seen this now but so glad its before the french writing! i'm a grade 9 french student and trying to further develop my writing to include these complex phrases and structures
Original post by artem1s
i've only just seen this now but so glad its before the french writing! i'm a grade 9 french student and trying to further develop my writing to include these complex phrases and structures

So glad it's useful.

Huge thank you to @Learning4Fun
No problem! I thought it was a useful summary from @Quick-use, give them the credit.

Quick Reply
