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AQA GCSE Spanish Speaking Higher Tier 2H (8698/SH) - 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your AQA GCSE Spanish Higher tier Speaking exam go?

AQA GCSE Spanish Speaking 2H (8698/SH) - 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck.

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Date/Time: to submit by 22nd May
Length: N/A

2023 GCSE exam thread directory
(edited 1 year ago)

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i had my spanish speaking gcse today and basically for one of my answers i messed up a word by saying jugamos and not jugandos also at the end my teacher said that it all went really good but i should have used a few more complex 'wow phrases' in my general convo, would that take away a lot of marks??
Original post by dolecka.2111
i had my spanish speaking gcse today and basically for one of my answers i messed up a word by saying jugamos and not jugandos also at the end my teacher said that it all went really good but i should have used a few more complex 'wow phrases' in my general convo, would that take away a lot of marks??

Jugamos is correct, there's no such word as jugandos in Spanish.
What sorts of things are assessed in the speaking and how many general conversation questions are you asked?
Reply 4
Original post by dolecka.2111
i had my spanish speaking gcse today and basically for one of my answers i messed up a word by saying jugamos and not jugandos also at the end my teacher said that it all went really good but i should have used a few more complex 'wow phrases' in my general convo, would that take away a lot of marks??

first of jugamos is correct and congrats on doing ur exam :smile:

i was just wondering if u could remember what your role play or photo card was about and if its hard compared to previous years.

and what theme did u choose ?
Reply 5

What photocard and roleplay did everyone have?
Original post by kj2007

What photocard and roleplay did everyone have?

have you done the exam yet?
hello there, I'm doing GCSE AQA French as well
Reply 8
Original post by Talkative Toad
have you done the exam yet?

Yes i had the photocard of the velleyball what did you have?
Original post by kj2007
Yes i had the photocard of the velleyball what did you have?

I didn't do GCSE Spanish, I did GCSE French 4 years ago 😅
Original post by pb22x5
first of jugamos is correct and congrats on doing ur exam :smile:

i was just wondering if u could remember what your role play or photo card was about and if its hard compared to previous years.

and what theme did u choose ?

Hi sorry I didn't see this reply I chose theme 2!
Also the photocards were alright and my teacher said they were pretty east compared yo previous years:smile: my photocard was a beach and kids. Good luck!
Original post by Plantagenet Crown
Jugamos is correct, there's no such word as jugandos in Spanish.

Oh okay cause I was trying to say they were playing but I think it won't make a huge difference
Original post by MishMohan
What sorts of things are assessed in the speaking and how many general conversation questions are you asked?

Your accent, fluency and quality of your responses are assessed. I got asked about 6 questions for my general convo if you make your answers longer you will get fewer questions
Original post by MishMohan
What sorts of things are assessed in the speaking and how many general conversation questions are you asked? 2019 speaking questions (2022 questions aren't available yet I think and there were no speaking exams in 2020&2021 as far as I remember).
Original post by Maya.d32rhye
Oh okay cause I was trying to say they were playing but I think it won't make a huge difference

Depending on the context that would be translated as ''jugaban'' or ''estaban jugando''.
Hi im aminah i was just wondering do we get to know the questions we are going to be asked on the day of the speaking exam and if we do what questions are they? Im doing Theme 2
Original post by Talkative Toad

AQA GCSE Spanish Speaking 2H (8698/SH) - 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information

Date/Time: to submit by 22nd May
Length: N/A


Hi im aminah i was just wondering do we get the questions that we are going to be asked in the general conversation? And if we do what questions are they? Im doing Theme 2
Original post by Maya.d32rhye
Oh okay cause I was trying to say they were playing but I think it won't make a huge difference

I think u mean like “estaban jugando” just without the s
(edited 1 year ago)
Ohhh yes that ughh i completely forgot how to form plural past verbs I the exam
Original post by anrguezz07
Hi im aminah i was just wondering do we get the questions that we are going to be asked in the general conversation? And if we do what questions are they? Im doing Theme 2
I didn't do GCSE Spanish but for GCSE French I had ≈15 mins to prep before the exam I think (can't remember whether I prepared for the questions that you get asked in the general conversation or not). Probably best to check on the AQA website for GCSE Spanish (link is in OP).

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