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Is everyone ready for the exam tomorrow?
I guess. What topic are you most scared for?
Reply 3
Original post by probably_sane
I guess. What topic are you most scared for?

topic 4 and a bit of 3, i can full marks on the long essay question, and also get as many marks on the binary/hexadecimal stuff and the network topics then i should be fine, usually this paper is easy then paper 1
Original post by ewoldu
topic 4 and a bit of 3, i can full marks on the long essay question, and also get as many marks on the binary/hexadecimal stuff and the network topics then i should be fine, usually this paper is easy then paper 1

interesting, i find paper 1 much easier
How did everyone find it?
I thought the double 9 marker at the end was a bit mean but not too bad, and I don't think i got the SQL 6 marker right, with the cross-selection between tables (even though it was on our mock...)
Original post by pintodog
How did everyone find it?
I thought the double 9 marker at the end was a bit mean but not too bad, and I don't think i got the SQL 6 marker right, with the cross-selection between tables (even though it was on our mock...)

the second 9 marker was actually ok, other than that it was a very nice paper
AQA students yall are lucky never complain about your exam yall atleast get resources. You should have seen the OCR paper literally came from hell
What did everyone get for the calculation questions?
which one
The bitmap question f***ed me up 😅
But other than that (and the two 9 markers, and the joining of 3 tables in SQL🫠), I don't think it was too bad! Best of luck to everyone :smile:
Original post by ace_the_cactus
The bitmap question f***ed me up 😅
But other than that (and the two 9 markers, and the joining of 3 tables in SQL🫠), I don't think it was too bad! Best of luck to everyone :smile:

Lol same I messed up the bitmap as well
Original post by probably_sane
which one

Like all of them? What did u get for the image size? And for the one about the sound file size?
image size was 300 bits, sound was 0.5MB
Original post by ace_the_cactus
The bitmap question f***ed me up 😅
But other than that (and the two 9 markers, and the joining of 3 tables in SQL🫠), I don't think it was too bad! Best of luck to everyone :smile:

Wasn’t it only joining 2? Plus for the bit map was it just stating that white could be 00 and grey could be 01 etc…
Original post by Djdb2007
Wasn’t it only joining 2? Plus for the bit map was it just stating that white could be 00 and grey could be 01 etc…

Yeah I only joined 2
For the bitmap one I said that each pixel is represented by a bit pattern which is at least 2 bits long, each bit pattern represents a different colour, the bit patterns joined up form a bitmap..but I don't think that's entirely right.
Original post by probably_sane
image size was 300 bits, sound was 0.5MB

I got 4MB for the sound one
Original post by probably_sane
image size was 300 bits, sound was 0.5MB

I got that as well
Original post by Student16061
I got 4MB for the sound one

You had to divide by 8
Original post by ace_the_cactus
The bitmap question f***ed me up 😅
But other than that (and the two 9 markers, and the joining of 3 tables in SQL🫠), I don't think it was too bad! Best of luck to everyone :smile:

Don’t worry you will be okay though boundaries will be low cause of paper 1 too!!