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AQA GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Tier [16th May 2023] Exam Chat

AQA GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Tier | 16th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 16th May 2023 AM
Length: 1h 45m

Link to Study Group:
GCSE Biology Study Group 2022-2023
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GCSE Exam Discussions 2023
(edited 1 year ago)
I really want to move tiers to do higher so I can get a grade 6 to do science but I haven't really been taught higher content and I'm getting 5-5s In foundation, I would love to move to higher but there's loads of content I would have to learn for all 3 sciences and I don't think it's ideal to do that in 2 weeks, but I really want to study science for a levels (biology) is there any alternatives? Or suggestions/advice on what I could do?
Original post by AlishaBalal
I really want to move tiers to do higher so I can get a grade 6 to do science but I haven't really been taught higher content and I'm getting 5-5s In foundation, I would love to move to higher but there's loads of content I would have to learn for all 3 sciences and I don't think it's ideal to do that in 2 weeks, but I really want to study science for a levels (biology) is there any alternatives? Or suggestions/advice on what I could do?


What year are you in? What's your aspirations for further and higher education?

Sorry for the questions but I'd like to know a bit more before I say anything:smile:

How did everyone get on? I didn’t find it anywhere near as bad as I anticipated
Original post by Loulour
How did everyone get on? I didn’t find it anywhere near as bad as I anticipated

Congratulations :smile: So glad to hear it went well!
Reply 5
Hey I’m trying to remember some of the questions to tell my mum-there was no required practical 6 marker was there! Remind me of some of the questions I have gone blank!
Reply 6
What did you put for the last question about the mean?
Original post by Millby5
Hey I’m trying to remember some of the questions to tell my mum-there was no required practical 6 marker was there! Remind me of some of the questions I have gone blank!

There was a six marker near at the end of the paper. They gave us the appartus with microscope, prepared onion cell slide and 15cm ruler and u had to write about how the student can use those to calculate the length of the onion cell
Original post by Maria503
There was a six marker near at the end of the paper. They gave us the appartus with microscope, prepared onion cell slide and 15cm ruler and u had to write about how the student can use those to calculate the length of the onion cell

What exam board did you do? I didn’t have an onion question
Original post by Loulour
What exam board did you do? I didn’t have an onion question

I didn't either I'm so confused where everyone's getting the onion question from
how did everyone find it
Can anyone remember any of the questions? There’s an unofficial mark scheme for the higher paper which obviously contains some of the questions in the foundation but there is currently no form of this for foundation paper

AQA GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Tier | 16th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 16th May 2023 AM
Length: 1h 45m

Link to Study Group:
GCSE Biology Study Group 2022-2023
Link to Master Thread:
GCSE Exam Discussions 2023

can you send the biology foundation p1 16 may 2023? pdf
Original post by okyupidrc
can you send the biology foundation p1 16 may 2023? pdf

I don't have it, it is currently only accessible to teachers as they use it for mock exams and assessments.
doess anyone have the aqa biology foundation 16th may paper?

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