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High intensity therapy

Does anyone know what the career path is to become a high intensity therapist? Can you move on to this role with a degree in counselling?
Reply 1
Original post by Rainbw
Does anyone know what the career path is to become a high intensity therapist? Can you move on to this role with a degree in counselling?

Hi! I've just finished training as a high intensity therapist. There are 2 routes into training. The first is to train in a core profession first, and these are listed here: If you do not wish to train in any of these professions, you will need to build up a good amount of relevant experience that would be considered equivalent to that required for one of these roles. You then need to complete a KSA portfolio to demonstrate you meet the necessary criteria for these trainee roles, which are outlined here:

I did a degree in psychology, a postgraduate certificate in psychological therapies, then trained as a counsellor. My work experience before training included mental health support work, drug and alcohol recovery work, and working as an AP. Because I was not yet an accredited counsellor, I had to complete a full KSA portfolio.

I would suggest reading through the KSA criteria to see where you might need to gain experience, or look at the core professions to see if any of them might interest you.

If you have any other questions, I'm happy to help.
Reply 2
Original post by Nerol
Hi! I've just finished training as a high intensity therapist. There are 2 routes into training. The first is to train in a core profession first, and these are listed here: If you do not wish to train in any of these professions, you will need to build up a good amount of relevant experience that would be considered equivalent to that required for one of these roles. You then need to complete a KSA portfolio to demonstrate you meet the necessary criteria for these trainee roles, which are outlined here:

I did a degree in psychology, a postgraduate certificate in psychological therapies, then trained as a counsellor. My work experience before training included mental health support work, drug and alcohol recovery work, and working as an AP. Because I was not yet an accredited counsellor, I had to complete a full KSA portfolio.

I would suggest reading through the KSA criteria to see where you might need to gain experience, or look at the core professions to see if any of them might interest you.

If you have any other questions, I'm happy to help.

Thanks so much Nerol, that was all very useful information. I may take up your offer if more questions come up later on. Thanks again
Reply 3
Actually I do have a question: How long did the different stages of the process take you Nerol?
I presume the BSc was 3 years. What about the PG cert? Work experience and then training as a counselor?
Reply 4
Original post by Rainbw
Actually I do have a question: How long did the different stages of the process take you Nerol?
I presume the BSc was 3 years. What about the PG cert? Work experience and then training as a counselor?

I actually did my BSc part-time with the Open Uni while I was travelling, so that took 5 years (finished in 2019). I did my level 3 counselling skills course during the last year of my BSc, that took 1 academic year. My PGCert was 1 year, which I did 2019-2020. After this I did my level 4 counselling diploma, which was 2 academic years part-time (2020-2022), then started HIT training September 2022. I gained work experience alongside all this, starting with support work during my BSc, moving into recovery work alongside my PGCert, and worked as an AP alongside my counselling training.
Reply 5
Would i be eligible if i did an undergrad in audiology and then a masters in counselling or lvl 4 diploma?

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