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Midwifery at bolton uni

Hi, I've got an interview coming up for midwifery at bolton uni, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea on what to expect/how to prepare. Also if you have already been in this position how it went? Thanks in advance

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Original post by purplepeacock
Hi, I've got an interview coming up for midwifery at bolton uni, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea on what to expect/how to prepare. Also if you have already been in this position how it went? Thanks in advance

Hi, how did you get on? I'm thinking of applying to April 2024 intake, is there a possibility you can share what timetable is like and where placements take place? I have kids so thinking if it right for me or not. Thanks
Hey, hope you're well. How did the interview go?
Original post by Smiley91
Hey, hope you're well. How did the interview go?

Hi the interview went well thanks I got offered a place and start in January! 🙂 I can give you some guidance for the interview if you like if you haven’t had it yet, I don’t have my timetable yet unfortunately so would it still be helpful to share it when I get it later on this month? x
Original post by purplepeacock
Hi the interview went well thanks I got offered a place and start in January! 🙂 I can give you some guidance for the interview if you like if you haven’t had it yet, I don’t have my timetable yet unfortunately so would it still be helpful to share it when I get it later on this month? x

Hi! It’s okay.. thank you. I had my interview also and successfully passed. Ucas states a start date for April for me, so I believe that’s when it will be! Good luck with it all!
Original post by Smiley91
Hi! It’s okay.. thank you. I had my interview also and successfully passed. Ucas states a start date for April for me, so I believe that’s when it will be! Good luck with it all!

That’s amazing news! Thank you good luck to you too :smile:)
Hi, I have an interview at the end of the month, im so nervous not only about the interview but the assessment before hand online any tips???
Reply 7
Original post by Gemmalouise2109
Hi, I have an interview at the end of the month, im so nervous not only about the interview but the assessment before hand online any tips???

Hi Gemma! I’m so sorry, I only saw this. How did you get on? I start in April xx

When you reply, reply under this so I can get a notification otherwise I wouldn’t know you’ve responded.
Reply 8
Original post by Smiley91
Hi Gemma! I’m so sorry, I only saw this. How did you get on? I start in April xx

When you reply, reply under this so I can get a notification otherwise I wouldn’t know you’ve responded.

Hi Smiley 🙂

Have you heard anything more from Bolton? I’ve managed a sneaky peek at what I think the timetable looks like from April :smile:
Reply 9
Original post by Smiley91
Hi! It’s okay.. thank you. I had my interview also and successfully passed. Ucas states a start date for April for me, so I believe that’s when it will be! Good luck with it all!

Hi, i'm sorry to jump into this, I have an interview on 1st May and the assessment before hand in 2 weeks, can anyone give any advice/guidance as to what to expect and how you found it? thank you so much in advance 🙂
Original post by claudia297
Hi, i'm sorry to jump into this, I have an interview on 1st May and the assessment before hand in 2 weeks, can anyone give any advice/guidance as to what to expect and how you found it? thank you so much in advance 🙂

Hi Claudia, they’re all honestly lovely. It’s a really laid back interview and they’re not doing anything to try and trip you up so just be yourself and let your passion come through. The assessment again, basic literacy and numeracy questions, so don’t worry yourself too much. Good Luck!
Original post by Mamaclark89
Hi Claudia, they’re all honestly lovely. It’s a really laid back interview and they’re not doing anything to try and trip you up so just be yourself and let your passion come through. The assessment again, basic literacy and numeracy questions, so don’t worry yourself too much. Good Luck!

Thank you! I really appreciate that! I’ve been preparing as much as I think I can, it’s exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.
The advice Bolton have given about the numeracy assessment is to have a calculator, is that allowed to be used for all questions do you remember?
And with the in person interview, people above have advised it’s a group interview? Do they not take you for individual questions as well? xx
Reply 12
Original post by claudia297
Thank you! I really appreciate that! I’ve been preparing as much as I think I can, it’s exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.
The advice Bolton have given about the numeracy assessment is to have a calculator, is that allowed to be used for all questions do you remember?
And with the in person interview, people above have advised it’s a group interview? Do they not take you for individual questions as well? xx

Hi there, just wondering if you know if 1st May is the last day for interviewing as I’ve had my interview just waiting to hear back and the admissions team said I would be most likely to hear when the interviews are finished? In regards with the interview, it’s super chill you’ll be absolutely fine! You will have a group interview with other nursing and midwifery students and consists of different tasks and at the end you will have quick little interview by yourself with one of the panel, it will only be 5-10 mins and they will make you feel at ease and it is super informal! x
Original post by xssaa
Hi there, just wondering if you know if 1st May is the last day for interviewing as I’ve had my interview just waiting to hear back and the admissions team said I would be most likely to hear when the interviews are finished? In regards with the interview, it’s super chill you’ll be absolutely fine! You will have a group interview with other nursing and midwifery students and consists of different tasks and at the end you will have quick little interview by yourself with one of the panel, it will only be 5-10 mins and they will make you feel at ease and it is super informal! x

thank you so much that is really reassuring to hear. I honestly have no idea if the 1st is the last day for interviews, i've not been told anything yet but i'll ask when j'm there and ask for an indication of when it will be that I hear back. I initially applied for the April intake but obviously by the time they got back to me with an offer for an interview, the start date for April has now been and gone. I spoke to admissions and they advised they might be creating an additional cohort for September as they think April will be full.
Original post by xssaa
Hi there, just wondering if you know if 1st May is the last day for interviewing as I’ve had my interview just waiting to hear back and the admissions team said I would be most likely to hear when the interviews are finished? In regards with the interview, it’s super chill you’ll be absolutely fine! You will have a group interview with other nursing and midwifery students and consists of different tasks and at the end you will have quick little interview by yourself with one of the panel, it will only be 5-10 mins and they will make you feel at ease and it is super informal! x

sorry also meant to ask, when was your interview and which intake did you apply for? x
Reply 15
Original post by claudia297
sorry also meant to ask, when was your interview and which intake did you apply for? x

Honestly don’t stress yourself! Think this was one of the most relaxed interviews I’ve had, it lasts for about 2 hours and goes by really quick! Have you had your literacy and numeracy assessment yet? And i’ve applied for the Jan 25 intake and I had my interview quite a while ago, think it was near the end of March, just waiting to hear back now😩x. How about you?
I've got the assessment on Monday, I applied for April but will be happy with September if they create a new intake as admissions suggested they may.
I hope you hear back soon! that's a really long time to wait and be anxious for. I'll let you know how it goes at my interview and what advice they give about further wait times to hear back xx
Reply 17
Original post by claudia297
I've got the assessment on Monday, I applied for April but will be happy with September if they create a new intake as admissions suggested they may.
I hope you hear back soon! that's a really long time to wait and be anxious for. I'll let you know how it goes at my interview and what advice they give about further wait times to hear back xx

Hi! How was your interview? x
Original post by xssaa
Hi! How was your interview? x

Hi thanks for asking it was really good thank you! I’ve had an email to say I’ve passed all elements but that isn’t an offer yet. They did say on Wednesday I should hear back by a phone call by today, have you heard anything yet? x
Reply 19
Original post by claudia297
Hi thanks for asking it was really good thank you! I’ve had an email to say I’ve passed all elements but that isn’t an offer yet. They did say on Wednesday I should hear back by a phone call by today, have you heard anything yet? x

have you heard anything back yet? x

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