I will be applying for medicine this year, for 2024 entry, and I'm wanting peoples opinion on this!
I want to apply to KCL, but I have a ucat of 2770 B1. I know that's not bad at all. I also know their previous average ucat scores of applicants has looked something like 2920, but I think an average means people in that range got offers right? So people with ucat scores above and below 2920 must have gotten in to get to that calculated average right??
I think what I'm trying to say is would I be completely delusional for applying and thinking I have a fair shot at getting in? (i have seven 9s and three 8s at gcse, and am predicted 3 A*s and an A for my a levels so I don't see that holding me back). Or do I need to reign myself in, and apply for uni of birmingham, which is where I would apply if I don't apply to KCL.