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I’m rlly bad at English lit and lang

Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias
Go to You Tube and look at Mr Bruffs videos.

Other things I did to get a grade 8 (6 short of a 9):

Mind maps
Remembering to list the punctuation to be used
Discourse Markers

Know what is expected of you to get each grade.

Know the 9 parts of speech

Read different news paper articles and letter pages.

Take a fictional book and read the first page, then answer the typical exam questions. Look for the hidden meanings and things like mirroring (weather grey for depression).

Then it’s just practice.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

I got a 9 in both lit and lang this year.

Personally, youtubers like Mr Salles for literature helped with gaining alternative viewpoints about texts that I may not have learnt at school (he was pretty good at predicting might come up on exams as well as having Grade 7-9 analysis for poetry and most of the books studied in the spec, and Grade 9 essays that were actually written by GCSE students - the key to doing well is to aim for higher than expected, so you can reach your goal). Mr Everything English is good at explaining how to do well in your language paper (eg how to achieve top marks in articles, letters, creative writing etc). I also watched videos from both of them with top quotes for the novels I was learning, as committing 15 or 20 quotes to memory with a good scope of ideas for each quotation can have good usage in exams. For practice, essay writing can be over the top but I preferred doing light planning for different themes/characters, and mind maps for quotes going through the novels/plays chronologically as that helps you gain higher marks for literature. Language is more about being creative and knowing all the lang devices- metaphor, simile, hyperbole, juxtaposition etc aswell as using a range of grammar and some structural devices - eg flashbacks, cliffhangers, changes/shifts in focus and so on and knowing how to recognise and analyse their use in exams.

Hope that helps, but I'd recommend you spend more time on English if it's your worse subject(s) to get the best GCSEs possible and to show you are a well rounded student, and goodluck!
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

Just get a tutor worth the money. But then again using words like ‘empirical’ and ‘objective’ i presume you must be passing. An 8/7 is more than enough but so is a 4/5. But if you want advice just put in the work simple. Ask ur teacher what to do. And grind. Past paper after past paper
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

Hi. i was just like you as well and i was predicted 6/7 for both english. however i came out with both 9s, even though i only properly revised from feb till the exam. For lit - flashcards are so helpful for key analysis or quotes, they take time to make but then they are really good as memory builders and you can search up some really good analysis to memorise. For lang - as mentioned by others the youtubers are very helpful however they do have some contradicting advice on certain questions so clarify with your school teachers, but the main thing is to keep doing past papers and getting someone to mark it. Over time you will see improvement.
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

I know you're probably posting here using an informal writing style. But just in case you're not:

(1) Spell words in full: "really", not "rlly"

(2) Use punctuation correctly. "I'm" not "Im", "I'll" not "ill"

(3) Write "you", not "u"

In more formal work:

(1) Avoid contractions: so, "I am" not "I'm" (or "im"); "I will", not "I'll" (or "ill")

(2) Make sure you haven't missed words out (for example, your first sentence has words missed out; so it doesn't make grammatical sense).

Using words like "empirical" and "objective" doesn't help when the basics (correct capitalisation, spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc) are not there.
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

I recently finished gcses and got a grade 9 in lit and lang.
I went from a grade 5/6 to a 9 in less than a year.
For me videos like mr salles and mr bruff DID NOT HELP. I didn't watch any youtube videos i did my own revision that works really well and included a level ideas.
So for Lit i did Macbeth, Animal Farm, A christmas carol and power and conflict poetry. What i would do i write grade 9 essays at home that included quotes from each part of the text/play that had a juicy text in that the exam board could use but i would link them using the technique parallelism and then i would remember them so then if any question came up i could just use what i remember. I would also have like knowledge organisers on each character and theme with grade 9 techniques and ideas and vocab. (if you study any of these then i can help with your essays and ideas)
For the power and conflict poetry i would pick 4 poems that compared to any poem and then write out full mark essays and direct technique comparisons just in case i couldnt remember full essays.

For english lang - P1 i would remember sentence starters and techniques and good analysis so when i spotted a technique i would just fill it in the blank of my pre planned sentence - e.g if it what a technique that mentioned light in i would be like the motif of light represents... hope/utopia/paradise/redemption
Then for Q5 i would remember pre-planned descriptions that work with any question - i still have mine and it got nearly full marks
P2 - same thing about sentence starters and then for q5 i would remember ideas to use and techniques for example a sentence that is adaptable no matter the topic of the article but includes a technique... like rhetorical questions, long semi-colon sentences stuff like that.
Original post by pkeray
Im kind of worried as I’m pretty good at most subjects in general but the only ones that might bring down my grades. If I get a 7 or something and maybe even an 8 ill be happy.
Im better at the empirical stuff and more objective subjects. Can anyone that is pretty good at English lit and lang give me any advice on how to make English lit and lang a bit easier and what to do if u can.
Muchos gracias

Hi! I think for me the most useful thing was doing mock exams (under timed conditions!) and asking my teacher to mark it when they can and then go through it while sitting with me. Then, you'll know what specifically to improve on, which sounds like with the way your mind works that might work best for you!
Original post by Heatherthebat
Go to You Tube and look at Mr Bruffs videos.
Other things I did to get a grade 8 (6 short of a 9):
Mind maps
Remembering to list the punctuation to be used
Discourse Markers
Know what is expected of you to get each grade.
Know the 9 parts of speech
Read different news paper articles and letter pages.
Take a fictional book and read the first page, then answer the typical exam questions. Look for the hidden meanings and things like mirroring (weather grey for depression).
Then it’s just practice.

This is good advice

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