The Student Room Group

2024 Accounting Apprenticeships

Anyone applying to an Accounting Apprenticeship anywhere for 2024? Any tips/ experiences?
Currently applying for 2024 vacancies, already completed A levels just trying to get a foot in the of luck
Reply 2
Original post by zeeshaan_22
Currently applying for 2024 vacancies, already completed A levels just trying to get a foot in the of luck

Where abouts you planning on applying? And with what a level results if you dont mind me asking?

Im thinking of the big 4, Grant Thornton, etc
Original post by rehelpme
Where abouts you planning on applying? And with what a level results if you dont mind me asking?

Im thinking of the big 4, Grant Thornton, etc

Hey, I've applied to the big firms like Grant Thornton, KMPG, Mazars and a few local independent firms.. personally I find you get a better chance with the small firms as they actually invite you for an interview and deal face to face rather than judging you by some online assessment but that's just me, by all means do try apply to them all you just never know.

Got an Interview lined up next week with a local firm for apprenticeship.

results I got C in accounting (so close to a B), B in business and a B in criminology.
im in the process of finding and applying to different apprenticeships in accounting for 2024, however I dont have any experience in this industry, and so I am not entirely sure what I should be writing on my applications, or even if its worth applying as they'll just disregard me because of my lack of experience?
Original post by tayIorswift17
im in the process of finding and applying to different apprenticeships in accounting for 2024, however I dont have any experience in this industry, and so I am not entirely sure what I should be writing on my applications, or even if its worth applying as they'll just disregard me because of my lack of experience?

depends on who you're applying with.. some firms aren't bothered by lack of experience if applying to roles like 'Trainee Accountant' etc.. some firms may be specific and require some sort of background knowledge of accounting but that's just going off my experience of applying so far others have more luck depending on area and all those factors.

One thing you can do is those free open uni courses on accounting on book-keeping just to write something on your CV which is what I did.
Reply 6
Original post by tayIorswift17
im in the process of finding and applying to different apprenticeships in accounting for 2024, however I dont have any experience in this industry, and so I am not entirely sure what I should be writing on my applications, or even if its worth applying as they'll just disregard me because of my lack of experience?

young professionals are always doing things. Maybe just go to a talk
Reply 7
Original post by rehelpme
Anyone applying to an Accounting Apprenticeship anywhere for 2024? Any tips/ experiences?

Applied to all top 10 (got 2 interviews next week)!
Reply 8
Original post by ma937
Applied to all top 10 (got 2 interviews next week)!

Have you applied to EY - any assessment centre tips?
Reply 9
Original post by rehelpme
Have you applied to EY - any assessment centre tips?

yess, still waiting for a shortlist.
But in general I say be confident and outgoing and work effectively in a team such as being a time keeper or leader in the group task but not bein tooo domineering

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