I hold a 2:2 science degree , that was misachieved due to some extenuating circumstances that I can prove and will mention in my personal statement and reference letter .
Can I apply for an accelerated apprenticeship ?
If not , can I apply to the 5 year apprenticeship ?
My high school certificate is insufficient for competitive application.Will I also need to study an Access to Medicine Diploma ?Will I also need to prove a GCSE Maths test or the further education diploma's admission Maths test is enough ? Is there alternatives to this test?
Will all the further education colleges cover the same curriculum or will they stay independent as they are ?
Will my previous 2:2 degree allow me to study the apprenticeship , as I will be studying Medicine-not any other subject- that is a sole subject to be studied as a 2nd degree , whether through the fast track or the standard course ? If not , won't this apprenticeship method allow me to join with a 2:2 degree ? I was e-mailed by one of the universities that I contacted saying that a 2:2 previous degree can be a neglected class honours , as long as I haven't studied a recognized level 3 qualification yet.Also , my degree is international but validated by a British university , can this neglect my previous 2:2 class honours if it is a barrier?
By the start of the apprenticeship method , will there be various fees to the Access to Medicine Diploma ?How much if common ? Is there a way of funding to both Home and overseas students?