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HSBC Degree Apprenticeship 2024

Hi guys, does the banking roles open on the 8th like Tech will be?

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Original post by Htfvhh
Hi guys, does the banking roles open on the 8th like Tech will be?

Yh, but as of now only the tech one is on the website
Original post by Itsmeeehb
Yh, but as of now only the tech one is on the website

Tech hasn’t opened yet and it’s supposed to open today so I guess I’ll wait
Reply 3
I’ve found the Banking apprenticeships, does anyone know if they are posting an AM or Global banking one?
Original post by MaxA06
I’ve found the Banking apprenticeships, does anyone know if they are posting an AM or Global banking one?

I hope so?? Those are the ones I’m interested in 😭😭😭 have the applications opened for the rest?
Reply 5
Original post by Htfvhh

I hope so?? Those are the ones I’m interested in 😭😭😭 have the applications opened for the rest?

Yeah I found this link from a previous forum showing open roles for Commercial Banking and Wealth and Personal Banking roles
Original post by MaxA06

Yeah I found this link from a previous forum showing open roles for Commercial Banking and Wealth and Personal Banking roles

Thanks I just applied for personal banking cus Icba to wait for AM
Does anyone know who the training provider is and the associated qualification from Wealth and Personal Banking London?
Original post by Dyspeptic_Duck
Does anyone know who the training provider is and the associated qualification from Wealth and Personal Banking London?

Reply 9
Original post by Htfvhh

is that a uni?
Original post by ma937
is that a uni?

Training provider I think but they do uni degrees
Reply 11
have any of the banking roles for HSBC opened? I cant find any link. Could sombody send the link for banking HSBC apprenticeship
Original post by Inan_M
have any of the banking roles for HSBC opened? I cant find any link. Could sombody send the link for banking HSBC apprenticeship!/
Reply 13
Original post by ma937

is that a uni?

Yes, stands for the London institute of banking and finance
Could someone provide a brief overview of the wealth and personal banking degree apprenticeship? Is it similar to IB? Thanks
Original post by evoletric
Could someone provide a brief overview of the wealth and personal banking degree apprenticeship? Is it similar to IB? Thanks

Commercial- businesses
WPB- people

That’s the simplest explanation
You can go into IB with any of them
Original post by Htfvhh
Commercial- businesses
WPB- people

That’s the simplest explanation
You can go into IB with any of them

Ty, is it 1 application per year or could I apply to both?
Original post by evoletric
Ty, is it 1 application per year or could I apply to both?

Defo 1 per year, I’d doubt they’d take multiple applications
Reply 18
Original post by evoletric
Ty, is it 1 application per year or could I apply to both?

No, only 1 then another in 2025
Original post by MaxA06
I’ve found the Banking apprenticeships, does anyone know if they are posting an AM or Global banking one?

Just reposting this to see if anyone now knows?

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