The Student Room Group

Official 2024 Applicant Thread: London South Bank University

Welcome to the Official 2024 Applicant Thread for London South Bank University! :london:

This space is for prospective applicants and offer holders to chat and ask questions - our Official LSBU Reps are on hand to answer any questions you may have also so feel free to tag @LSBU and @LSBU Student Rep :h:

I've included some ice breaker questions to get us started but of course feel free to deviate:

What courses/subjects are you thinking about applying for?

What subjects are you currently studying?

On campus accommodation or commuting?

Are there any sports or societies you would be interested in joining?

Have you been to any Open Days yet, if so where?

We hope this is a useful space to make connections with other applicants and reps!

(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Welcome to the Official 2024 Applicant Thread for London South Bank University! :london:

This space is for prospective applicants and offer holders to chat and ask questions - our Official LSBU Reps are on hand to answer any questions you may have also so feel free to tag @LSBU and @LSBU Student Rep :h:

I've included some ice breaker questions to get us started but of course feel free to deviate:

What courses/subjects are you thinking about applying for?

What subjects are you currently studying?

On campus accommodation or commuting?

Are there any sports or societies you would be interested in joining?

Have you been to any Open Days yet, if so where?

We hope this is a useful space to make connections with other applicants and reps!

I will be attending open day on Saturday
Reply 2
Original post by Judy2024
I will be attending open day on Saturday

Hi did you end up going? How is it? You’re going to study dht right?
Reply 3
Original post by Kayyy30
Hi did you end up going? How is it? You’re going to study dht right?
Yes very nice atmosphere. Definitely I will
Reply 4
Welcome to the Official 2024 Applicant Thread for London South Bank University! :london:
This space is for prospective applicants and offer holders to chat and ask questions - our Official LSBU Reps are on hand to answer any questions you may have also so feel free to tag @LSBU and @LSBU Student Rep :h:
I've included some ice breaker questions to get us started but of course feel free to deviate:

What courses/subjects are you thinking about applying for?

What subjects are you currently studying?

On campus accommodation or commuting?

Are there any sports or societies you would be interested in joining?

Have you been to any Open Days yet, if so where?

We hope this is a useful space to make connections with other applicants and reps!

Hi, daughter has been offered a late place on Dental Hygiene for September 24. She's a bit worried about getting accommodation and finance sorted, as we are now a bit behind the curve! Do you have nay advice? Also, which Halls do dental students tend to live in? Many thanks

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