The Student Room Group

Tools to Manage your Finances at University

Being at university is not only about getting the grades and studying, finances and money can play a big role in your university experience.

A recent poll from The Student Room found 52% of respondents said they are “Not confident at all” or “Not too confident” about managing finances whilst at university. This is a significant number of prospective students who do not feel prepared to tackle the financial aspects of higher education. At London South Bank University, we want students to have the information, resources and guidance they need to be able to focus on their studies and life at university.

Whether you’re in the “Not confident” camp or money savvy we hope you gain something from this thread!

What resources or tools will I have access to as a university student?

Once you are a fully enrolled student at a university you can unlock tons of helpful discounts across a range of websites, including but not limited to the examples below.

1.16-25 Rail Card
2. 18+ Student Oyster
3. Totum/NUS Extra, Student Beans

How does LSBU support their students with managing finances?

As well as the above, LSBU have additional schemes and resources currently to support students during the cost of living.

1. Breakfast for £1 - grab a croissant, porridge or toast with a tea or coffee for just a quid!
2. Select hot meal deals for £3.50
3. Access to a dedicated Student Money Advice team, who can help with managing and budgeting your finances, welfare benefits and more!
4. Resources to help you shop, budget and cook meals such as Cooking with Tom.
5. Hardship funds and bursaries (subject to availability and eligibility)

We'll leave some helpful websites and links in the replies for you to look at your own leisure :yeah:

Let us know if you learned something new or even if you have any of your own advice to add!
Reply 1
As promised, some quick links to websites and resources about money, finances and budgeting as a student!

Save the Student - articles and tools on student finance, budgeting, jobs and discounts.

Money Saving Expert (Students) - articles and tools on student finance, budgeting, bills, bank accounts, travelling.

Good Budget - budgeting app that allows you to manage your finances solo or sync up with others.

Reply 2
Blackbullion is another great resource,

And for making the most of your student loans:
Karma - save food waste
Too Good Too Good - discounted food from local restaurants and stores
Olio - The food and life sharing app
Blue Light Card for Healthcare students

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