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Top Universities on Students with Gap Years

When I was doing my university applications I had predicted grades at A*BB and was ultimately rejected from my aspirational choices however in my actual results I ended up getting A*A*A* which led me to a gap year. In the gap year I've done several things to polish my personal statement but I'm unsure of how universities will perceive my application, I've heard that top Russel Group universities typically don't favor 2nd time applicants. Are my chances poor here? Would appreciate responses from people who've been in the same scenario as me or have knowledge of predicaments like these.
Side note: Course I'm looking to pursue is Economics in LSE, UCL, Imperial or King's.
You will not be disadvantaged by having applied before or having taken a gap year, in fact, if anything, due to your achieved grades your application should be a bit stronger now. :smile:

Out of curiosity, did you start your gap year this summer or are you going into a second gap year now?
Which subjects were your a levels in?
Reply 3
Original post by ajj2000
Which subjects were your a levels in?

Economics, Maths and History.
Reply 4
Original post by Scotland Yard
You will not be disadvantaged by having applied before or having taken a gap year, in fact, if anything, due to your achieved grades your application should be a bit stronger now. :smile:

Out of curiosity, did you start your gap year this summer or are you going into a second gap year now?

Second gap year I'm pretty sure, started last year.
Original post by mlb093
When I was doing my university applications I had predicted grades at A*BB and was ultimately rejected from my aspirational choices however in my actual results I ended up getting A*A*A* which led me to a gap year. In the gap year I've done several things to polish my personal statement but I'm unsure of how universities will perceive my application, I've heard that top Russel Group universities typically don't favor 2nd time applicants. Are my chances poor here? Would appreciate responses from people who've been in the same scenario as me or have knowledge of predicaments like these.
Side note: Course I'm looking to pursue is Economics in LSE, UCL, Imperial or King's.

No universities will care at all.
Original post by mlb093
Economics, Maths and History.


" I've heard that top Russel Group universities typically don't favor 2nd time applicants." - sounds like the sort of rumour which gets about which has no foundation in reality. Possible you hears that people who re-sit A levels may be disadvantaged (which is also rarely true)?
" Course I'm looking to pursue is Economics in LSE, UCL, Imperial or King's."

Are you absolutely fixed on London? Did your school offer further maths?

I think you have to be conscious that your chances at LSE are not great. Imperial don't offer an economics degree - there is a data science/ finance type course but last year it was about the hardest course in the country to get an offer for. In general London universities are over-subscribed as are economics degrees. Should you apply for the 4 universities (3 econ, 1 data science) you have to accept the chance of no offers.
Original post by mlb093
Second gap year I'm pretty sure, started last year.

Alrighty. Well, I wish you the best of luck on your application :biggrin:
Original post by mlb093
When I was doing my university applications I had predicted grades at A*BB and was ultimately rejected from my aspirational choices however in my actual results I ended up getting A*A*A* which led me to a gap year. In the gap year I've done several things to polish my personal statement but I'm unsure of how universities will perceive my application, I've heard that top Russel Group universities typically don't favor 2nd time applicants. Are my chances poor here? Would appreciate responses from people who've been in the same scenario as me or have knowledge of predicaments like these.
Side note: Course I'm looking to pursue is Economics in LSE, UCL, Imperial or King's.

Economics in London universities is massively over subscribed and LSE and Imperial at least usually Further Maths as well.
Hi I am more or less in the same situation can you help me to give any information if I take a gap year and resit in maths for moving from A to A* in Maths will Imperial or UCL take me
Original post by sheepish-searche
Hi I am more or less in the same situation can you help me to give any information if I take a gap year and resit in maths for moving from A to A* in Maths will Imperial or UCL take me

nobody can tell for definite but the chances arent good. They are massively overscribed with huge competition for places. Also check their policies for resit students.
Reply 12
Original post by sheepish-searche
Hi I am more or less in the same situation can you help me to give any information if I take a gap year and resit in maths for moving from A to A* in Maths will Imperial or UCL take me

Which course/ courses would you apply for? If economics or the imperial data and finance course these are hugely oversubscribed.

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