The Student Room Group

Online MSC psychology conversion course

Hi everyone,

I am considering doing an online conversion course. The following universities are my choices:

Liverpool online programme
Coventry University

Out if these i really like the content offered by University of Coventry but also I am considering university of Liverpool as it has an earlier start date.

I am trying to find reviews of previous students of their experience but cannot find any.

If you have any information on hiw the coyrse is please do let me know.
Original post by Sunetra07
Hi everyone,

I am considering doing an online conversion course. The following universities are my choices:

Liverpool online programme
Coventry University

Out if these i really like the content offered by University of Coventry but also I am considering university of Liverpool as it has an earlier start date.

I am trying to find reviews of previous students of their experience but cannot find any.

If you have any information on hiw the coyrse is please do let me know.


Hello! I did my MSc Psychology conversion at Arden and had a great time; if the course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (all the best and most valuable ones are) then the content will be pretty much the same wherever you study.

The benefit of Arden is that they are specialists in distance learning, a bit like the Open University, so they have the best virtual learning environment I have come across working in education myself for over 10 years. There is also a blended learning option on sites such as Manchester, London, and Birmingham. There is also a flexibility of start dates and also you can also do two unit's at once with approval if you wish - for instance you want to get lots done over the summer before getting back to work.

For any university, check their report with the QAA (a bit like Ofsted) and also their Teaching Excellence Framework report, both readily available online, as it will give you an unbiased review

Arden University Student Ambassador

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