Hi All,
I am reeling from the release of marks today, mainly the fact the I have graduated, and yet don't feel as if I have. What happened is I took a part-time MA in International Relations
had offers from KCL, City, LSE and Goldsmiths - fantastic opportunity
Everything started fine, and I was working whilst studying. 180cr/year
However, about 4 months into Year-1, my Father developed Cancer
My Marks started to slip, mostly from deadlines (lateness) so in their defence, they always granted me a fair deal and the marks were put back upon my original.
However this year, or from February 2023, my mental health took a nose dive.
I lost my job
Meetings with my father showed he was better, but he was/is getting older, and I've been helping him out, doing work for him, caring. It sort of over-stretched me, but I can't not help my Father, to whom I owe everything.
Anyway, deadlines are still fine, marks are as they always were - I was never a top grade guy, but I did generally score 65, 68 and 72 at SOAS.
Anyway I am not superficial in that sense; the marks don't mean much to ME as I prefer folks who can prove their knowledge, intelligence and whatnot.
Come May, I had 2 failed deadlines
and was granted a Reset, both of which I failed because I had a memory black out
[yeah, not good]
A GP certified I was suffering Trauma and other kinds of strange symptoms of a nervous breakdown
I was put on Fluoxetine (Prozac) and other strong medicines, for temporary purposes until the stress inducer was gone. GP is a very learned, well meaning person. She judged
Stress 1 = my father's conidtion
Stress 2 = my own anxiety, which compounds x 100 when deadlines come into play
Anyway, 2 down, 2 resits fauled... not good.
otherwise, it's still a Distinction for everything else, favourite being International Law
Now, I receive an e-mail on Graduation day stating I got a PGDIP or PGCERT
and that I cannot retake or have any more chances
I was working on my Thesis, I received a 74% grade for Stage-3, but I lost control and realised it would take 4 months to finish this, if done properly
to further make things worse
The Disablility and Wellfare dept made contact, and I was now declared disabled and given very good treatment. Firstly, it's wonderful SOAS have this mechanism.
But problems such as blackouts, server issues, lack of contact
mean I missed a lot of extra slots, and the ridiculous thing is, my work is of a high standard, if anything the learning curve is such that I learn automatically, and I feel studying anymroe is futile. I am ready. I actually would welcome the World of Work, but I did put money in; suspend my social life for 2 years, buy 500+ books.
So, I've studied the Handbook, and its clear this is an atomic bomb of a case
total screwup
And it just so happens, my GP issued a Note just 12 days ago (unrelated), stating I have severe mental exhaustion, and she told me once degree is complete, to take a 4 month haitus.
My Question(s)
1. Would resiting be possible in any case? for example transferring to anoher college, or paying upfront (money isn't a problem);
2. Would taking legal action be of help?
3. Should I accept the downgraded award, and ask for resits on 2 assignments that drag the mark a bit low...
4. Should I accept the PGDIP/CERT, and go into work?
5. Can you resit or retake a dissertation, just to make your PGDIP a Master's
I feel bad because the stress was for nothing other than a MA-PG value
I put myself through 2 years of low income, constant studying, for this
Quite a brutal outcome ; My family, if told, will probably start legal action
but I was treated fairly and would go on the record saying so
I can't say it was anyone's fault but mine.
But, It pains me to know that an employer may not take me for say, a consultancy position, because of the MA being a PG.
Of course, I would hope Employers would realise that a affiction like this created the wrong circumstances in which a degree could not be completed properl
(frankly, I should have dropped out, unfit for study)
but SOAS taught me a great deal, and Policy, Development studies and Legal studies has made me so much more than I was, and I am truly grateful to the wonderful staff; everyone; it is a Wonderful University/College to study at.
The students you study with are first-class, in that, they are the brightest from United States; India; Asia minor; and of course, GB.
Thanks and
Apologies for the double-post, i just had to try SOASIANS and non-SOAS circles
A good evening to you all...