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AQA A Level Psychology Paper 1 (7182/1) - 17th May 2024 [Exam Chat]


How well did your AQA A Level Psychology Paper 1 (7182/1) exam go today?

AQA A Level Psychology Paper 1 (7182/1) - 17th May 2024 [exam chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam :smile: Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else. Wishing you all the best of luck.

Date of exam: Friday 17th May 2024

Time: AM, 2hrs Topics in Paper: Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Psychopathology

How did it go for you? Comment below now :biggrin:

Paper 2 - AQA A Level Psychology Paper 2 (7182/2) - 22nd May 2024 [exam chat] - The Student Room
Paper 3 - AQA A Level Psychology Paper 3 (7182/3) - 3rd June 2024 [exam chat] - The Student Room

Click here to find exam discussions for other A Level subjects!
(edited 9 months ago)

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i love social influence, iffy about attachment
Original post by emm4nuella
hello - i think i sent you a private message - have you seen it? :smile:

hi, yes, I've seen it but for some reason I can't pm yet?
I filled out the link thing
From what I’ve seen, this is the second exam I have (after Geography Paper 1). I hate attachment and memory though so it’s going to be a pain :frown:
when are you guys going to start revising?
Original post by emm4nuella
when are you guys going to start revising?

Well I have to do a paper 1 for my November mocks so, tomorrow :rofl:
Original post by thrivingfrog

Well I have to do a paper 1 for my November mocks so, tomorrow :rofl:

good luck with revision :smile:
I love memory, don't mind parts of attachment and psychopathology, and HATE social influence (it's all so similar and boring) so kind of dreading paper 1. My favourite is paper 2!!! I don't think we'll finish the content for paper 3 so I need paper 1 to go well, so any tips on Bowlby's monotropic theory or maternal deprivation/social influence (specifically the Authoritarian personality) is appreciated 😋
Reply 8
has anyone made any predictions for paper 1 aqa psychology for 2024?
Original post by Joemama156
has anyone made any predictions for paper 1 aqa psychology for 2024?
no not yet but what do you think?
Original post by emm4nuella
no not yet but what do you think?
Hi there, I was looking on this prediction website and they believe that there will be a 16 marker on minority influence. I'm not sure if I trust it though. I think I will revise everything a bit but definitely revise minority influence a bit more.
Reply 11
Original post by emm4nuella
no not yet but what do you think?
yo i asked one of my psychology teachers who is connected to AQA and he gave us a big hint that anxiety research may appear as he has looked at the trend in which topics come up each year
Original post by JoeMama111
yo i asked one of my psychology teachers who is connected to AQA and he gave us a big hint that anxiety research may appear as he has looked at the trend in which topics come up each year
That's actually crazy that ur teacher is giving out hints. If he gives out anymore pls let me know!
Reply 13
Original post by Daniel13257
That's actually crazy that ur teacher is giving out hints. If he gives out anymore pls let me know!
ik hes acc so chill he also told me that there is going to be another 16 marker come up on maternal deprivation ! he didn't completely come out and tell us but he gave us a wink and a waggle of his eyebrows
Original post by JoeMama111
ik hes acc so chill he also told me that there is going to be another 16 marker come up on maternal deprivation ! he didn't completely come out and tell us but he gave us a wink and a waggle of his eyebrows
Broooo ur teacher is actually the best. I hope they don't see this and change the paper now.
Reply 15
so what does a man like you do for fun around here ( wink and waggle of eyebrows )
Original post by joemama111
so what does a man like you do for fun around here ( wink and waggle of eyebrows )
how do u know im a man!!!!!!
Reply 17
Original post by Daniel13257
how do u know im a man!!!!!!
im sowwyyyy !!! please don't get me banned for this i didn't mean to assume you were a man
Original post by JoeMama111
im sowwyyyy !!! please don't get me banned for this i didn't mean to assume you were a man
It's okay sugarplum! I can be whoever you want me to :wink:
Reply 19
Original post by Daniel13257
It's okay sugarplum! I can be whoever you want me to :wink:
well aren't you just my little pookie wookie doooo ... i could just eat you all up ! ( fancy a chat in private )

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