The Student Room Group

A-level Psychology Study Group 2022-2023

Welcome to the A-level Psychology Group! :woo:

This is where you can chat to others students taking your subject as you prepare for your A-level exams this summer

What can I do in these groups?

Almost anything! If you need help with a certain topic, want to rant about something you are struggling with or just want to support other students who are trying to prepare, this is the place for you. We want these to be a useful place for everyone no matter what you're looking for! :smile:

What can't I do in these groups?

Asking or offering copyright papers is against our site rules, and so is taking conversation off-site to do these things. Any posts doing this will be removed. That's the only rule :naughty:

Ice Breaker questions if you want to use them!

> What exam board are you on? (Vote in the poll as well!)

> What bits of the course are you feeling confident with?

> What areas are you struggling with a little?

> Have you found any resources online that have helped you prepare?



Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yes:

Scroll to see replies

Keeping this space for a list of resources or study tools that are recommended in this thread:
Study Rocket
Reply 2
> What exam board are you on? (Vote in the poll as well!)

> What bits of the course are you feeling confident with?
Research methods

> What areas are you struggling with a little?
Original post by k19xo
> What exam board are you on? (Vote in the poll as well!)

> What bits of the course are you feeling confident with?
Research methods

> What areas are you struggling with a little?

Welcome to the study group :smile: Thanks so much for joining!
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:
Reply 5
> What exam board are you on? (Vote in the poll as well!)

> What bits of the course are you feeling confident with?

> What areas are you struggling with a little?
Research Methods

> Have you found any resources online that have helped you prepare?
Study rocket, tutor2u

I am trying new study methods and resources so please let me know if you have any recommendations :smile:
Reply 6
what grade did you get?
Original post by Squiggles1238
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:
Original post by TobyMUFC
what grade did you get?

Original post by Squiggles1238

that's amazing!! i'm currently in my final year of A2 psych, do you have any tips on what got you right to the top marks at A* level? :smile:
hi I had a question, can you put in a study in your evaluation without having to name the psychologists? does it cost marks? :frown:
Original post by Squiggles1238
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:
Original post by Squiggles1238
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:

hey would u be able to share psychology notes, especially paper 2 and 3 xx:smile:
Original post by Evil Homer
Welcome to the A-level Psychology Group! :woo:

This is where you can chat to others students taking your subject as you prepare for your A-level exams this summer

What can I do in these groups?

Almost anything! If you need help with a certain topic, want to rant about something you are struggling with or just want to support other students who are trying to prepare, this is the place for you. We want these to be a useful place for everyone no matter what you're looking for! :smile:

What can't I do in these groups?

Asking or offering copyright papers is against our site rules, and so is taking conversation off-site to do these things. Any posts doing this will be removed. That's the only rule :naughty:

Ice Breaker questions if you want to use them!

> What exam board are you on? (Vote in the poll as well!)

> What bits of the course are you feeling confident with?

> What areas are you struggling with a little?

> Have you found any resources online that have helped you prepare?



Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yes:

Original post by Squiggles1238
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:

You finished the whole content?
what exam board did you do? And it would be very helpful if you could name any resources that helped you get your amazing grade.
Thank you
Original post by Squiggles1238
I finished A level Psychology recently, so I’m more than happy to help anyone with bits they are struggling with :smile:

I'm in Y12 and my exam board is AQA, I was wondering how you structure questions from 4 markers to the 16 markers?
Original post by emma85736
that's amazing!! i'm currently in my final year of A2 psych, do you have any tips on what got you right to the top marks at A* level? :smile:

Hiya, sorry it's taken me so long to respond!

I would definitely say for me, practicing past paper questions really really helped me. Practicing 16 mark questions especially, and then getting my teacher to mark it and give feedback so I knew how to improve helped me a lot.
Working on really boosting your evaluative writing is really important if you find you're comfortable with the content and understand it all, but if you're finding it difficult to understand a topic then it would therefore be more beneficial to work on getting more A01 marks.

At the end of the day, everyone revises in their own ways, so what worked for me might not work for you, and vice versa. But for me, organising all of my notes as I went along helped me when it came to the end of the year, so I would advise doing that. I personally used flashcards to remember the content, and then as I said, I used past paper questions to consolidate this knowledge and really put it in to practice.

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have :smile:
Original post by DB Coops
You finished the whole content?

Hiya, yes, I took my psychology exams in the last exam series, so I now hold the full A-level qualification
Original post by elianebeck
what exam board did you do? And it would be very helpful if you could name any resources that helped you get your amazing grade.
Thank you

Hiya, I was with AQA :smile:

Personally, something that really worked for me was the website called 'Physics and Maths Tutor'. This broke down the exam questions by topic so I could really focus on practicing specific questions, and it was really helpful when it came to revision. They also have other resources on there that may be of help. Other than that, I found YouTube videos helpful at explaining topics I didn't quite understand, and other websites such as Tutor2U were good too
Original post by LittleDumpling_

I'm in Y12 and my exam board is AQA, I was wondering how you structure questions from 4 markers to the 16 markers?

Hello :smile:

For 16 markers, I would always have an introduction and a conclusion, regardless of the question. And then for the main body of your essay, you can go about it one of two ways; 1) you can first talk about all of your A01 knowledge and get that all down first, and then once that's done, then you can begin your evaluation, or 2) you can incorporate your A03 (evaluation) into your A01 paragraphs, making 4 or so paragraphs.
I would personally recommend doing it the second way, as it reads a lot better, and takes the essay up to a higher level.
If there is A02 marks in your question, I would tackle the application side of the essay as soon as you're able to, so that it's done and out the way

For 8 markers, again, you can have an introduction (it only needs to be really short, if you feel you won't have time then the introduction isn't as important for 8 markers) and a conclusion. I would just think of it as a mini 16-marker.
Original post by siahateskwl
hi I had a question, can you put in a study in your evaluation without having to name the psychologists? does it cost marks? :frown:

Hiya, if you really don’t know the name or you just can’t remember it, then I would just do your best to describe the study, or the findings of it, and you should be okay :smile:
Original post by pharmgirl4
hey would u be able to share psychology notes, especially paper 2 and 3 xx:smile:

Hello :smile:

Unfortunately I’ve handwritten all of my notes so they are not easy to share. However, if I remember correctly, Maths and Physics Tutor have some notes on their psychology section :smile:

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