I intend on applying to both of the above unis for 2025 entry.
To be perfectly honest, I much prefer SOAS and in the event that I get into both unis, I would probably choose SOAS.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'd fit in well at SOAS as a working-class Iraqi-Kurdish Muslim with Indian and Kazakh roots (talk about diverse 😂)
in other words I'm not white and middle class which seems to be unheard of at the university looool.
On the course structure for Sheffield's BA Korean, it's stated that the aim is for students to reach CEFR C1+ by the end of year 4 (dang!) but for SOAS, no qualifications or specific language levels are mentioned, just methods in which proficiency can be demonstrated by the end of the degree.
That being said, does anyone studying the degree know what level in terms of CEFR or TOPIK students are expected to be at by the end of year 4?
I understand it would probably be a high level of proficiency haha but I am simply curious!
Also I saw on the course structure for SOAS's BA Japanese that students were expected to reach CEFR C1 or JLPT N1 (AKA fluent) by the end of the course.
Could that be a reflection of the expectations of the students by the end of the Korean course?
I'm a pretty keen language learner and self taught Japanese and Chinese to CEFR A2+ (not much but I'm proud and it only took a year) but I'm not really advanced at any language other than English loll.
But I'm determined that I will do well if I try!
Anyway sorry for waffling, and thank you in advance!
- Ali