The Student Room Group

My Chemical Romance

When I was 14/15 years old my mates loved MCR thanks to the The Black Parade album, but I felt they were too soppy and didn't have the edge I liked at the time. I did quite like the song Teenagers at the time, but I just didn't like the emo vibes at all and their sound just didn't carry the exactness that I wanted.

Back then I enjoyed (and still very much enjoy these days) obscure music that not many people know about from the metal, alt rock and metalcore genres. Bands like Mudvayne, Staind, Alter Bridge, Saliva, TrustCompany and Seether were among my favourites, and I felt quite alone because nobody else around me enjoyed these bands like I did.

I saw MCR as part of the mainstream simply because its success was astronomical, and why the band and its music got a load of attention while the music I found and thought was great didn't get a presence over here. I've always thought that the mainstream music scene in the UK was restrictive and narrow. I know easy-listening is the central vibe we get now, but even beautiful songs from American bands get no attention over here. I don't know why this is at all, but I always feel like an outcast when it comes to music tastes.

I know this whole thing doesn't matter, we listen to the music we love and it doesn't matter if anyone else enjoys it as long as we do, I just don't get why some music gets uber popular and some doesn't.

What do you think of MCR and do you feel similarly to me about them. Also what are you favourite MCR songs?
Reply 1
I grew into them to be honest. Similarly to you they didn't appeal that much to me because they weren't aggressive enough when I was a teen. I was quite old school (and I still look that way, like I should be playing bass for Obituary) and they were just a bit too nice.

I wouldn't put a record on now but there are odd tracks I don't mind. They go down dead well when I'm DJing so they are a constant in that respect and will get a room of women rockers of a certain age onside like nothing else.

Incidentally, I saw a bit of their set at Download 2007, where I escaped the crush when for whatever reason, DL put MCR on the Main Stage and Korn in the tent at the back of it. Cue 80-odd thousand trying to get into the tent to see Korn, and the band finishing early due to the subsequent crush. I didn't like it too much but nor was it offensive to me, and the people I was with liked it. I went and got ratted watching Motley Crue the day after so I guess it worked out for me in the end. Was a good weekend, that.

Broadly agree re the music circuit here. It excludes loads of good European stuff, too.

loved Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (and Bury Me in Black which was a demo IIRC) but I'd kind of moved on by the time of The Black Parade

I still think of The Ghost of You like all the time
At the time the whole emo scene got on my nerves, there was the 'popular' girl clique at school and then the edgy emo clique. I found it all a bit cringeworthy to be honest and it put me off listening to any of the music.

I like soft rock and pop rock and having listened to a bit of MCR and stuff like Paramore as an adult its not awful and MCR especially do have some good bangers.
Original post by + polarity -

I still think of The Ghost of You like all the time

It is a great song but the video really makes it memorable
Original post by gjd800
I grew into them to be honest. Similarly to you they didn't appeal that much to me because they weren't aggressive enough when I was a teen. I was quite old school (and I still look that way, like I should be playing bass for Obituary) and they were just a bit too nice.

I wouldn't put a record on now but there are odd tracks I don't mind. They go down dead well when I'm DJing so they are a constant in that respect and will get a room of women rockers of a certain age onside like nothing else.

Incidentally, I saw a bit of their set at Download 2007, where I escaped the crush when for whatever reason, DL put MCR on the Main Stage and Korn in the tent at the back of it. Cue 80-odd thousand trying to get into the tent to see Korn, and the band finishing early due to the subsequent crush. I didn't like it too much but nor was it offensive to me, and the people I was with liked it. I went and got ratted watching Motley Crue the day after so I guess it worked out for me in the end. Was a good weekend, that.

Broadly agree re the music circuit here. It excludes loads of good European stuff, too.

Looks like a good line up on the poster :biggrin: I do like a bit of Marilyn Manson I can't lie, it probably hasn't aged the best and he is also likely a terrible person but there are some great songs in his discography.
Reply 6
Original post by CoolCavy
Looks like a good line up on the poster :biggrin: I do like a bit of Marilyn Manson I can't lie, it probably hasn't aged the best and he is also likely a terrible person but there are some great songs in his discography.

He was awful that day, of his tits on something and had no idea where he was. Also manson in the sun just isn't right :lol: I think he's outed as a rapist and abuser now but it doesn't stop people asking me for his stuff when I'm jocking a rock night, so I wonder how many people are really that bothered!
Original post by CoolCavy
It is a great song but the video really makes it memorable


just had to watch it again ha

man this interface feels so bright now
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
When I was 14/15 years old my mates loved MCR thanks to the The Black Parade album, but I felt they were too soppy and didn't have the edge I liked at the time. I did quite like the song Teenagers at the time, but I just didn't like the emo vibes at all and their sound just didn't carry the exactness that I wanted.

Back then I enjoyed (and still very much enjoy these days) obscure music that not many people know about from the metal, alt rock and metalcore genres. Bands like Mudvayne, Staind, Alter Bridge, Saliva, TrustCompany and Seether were among my favourites, and I felt quite alone because nobody else around me enjoyed these bands like I did.

I saw MCR as part of the mainstream simply because its success was astronomical, and why the band and its music got a load of attention while the music I found and thought was great didn't get a presence over here. I've always thought that the mainstream music scene in the UK was restrictive and narrow. I know easy-listening is the central vibe we get now, but even beautiful songs from American bands get no attention over here. I don't know why this is at all, but I always feel like an outcast when it comes to music tastes.

I know this whole thing doesn't matter, we listen to the music we love and it doesn't matter if anyone else enjoys it as long as we do, I just don't get why some music gets uber popular and some doesn't.

What do you think of MCR and do you feel similarly to me about them. Also what are you favourite MCR songs?

the black parade is my fav
Honestly, I never got into them. I didn't/don't buy into the emotion of the music, found Gerard's vocals grating at times and nothing they did ever clicked with me personally. It doesn't help that their songs continue to be overplayed in public places, especially Teenagers. They were a daring band, I'll give them that, with their take on the "rock opera" album styles, and even with their earlier more punky stuff they stood out from the crowd. In summary, me not liking them definitely says more about me than it does them. They are a cool band to be a fan of.

I am a fan of Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Radiohead, American Football etc. , all bands which aren't entirely dissimilar from MCR, but MCR never did it for me.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by BigSellan
Honestly, I never got into them. I didn't/don't buy into the emotion of the music, found Gerard's vocals grating at times and nothing they did ever clicked with me personally. It doesn't help that their songs continue to be overplayed in public places, especially Teenagers. They were a daring band, I'll give them that, with their take on the "rock opera" album styles, and even with their earlier more punky stuff they stood out from the crowd. In summary, me not liking them definitely says more about me than it does them. They are a cool band to be a fan of.

I am a fan of Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Radiohead, American Football etc. , all bands which aren't entirely dissimilar from MCR, but MCR never did it for me.

Interesting, do you like Spin by Taking Back Sunday and The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by Brand New? I love those songs.
Eh, they're alright I guess. More into heavier stuff myself.
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
Interesting, do you like Spin by Taking Back Sunday and The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by Brand New? I love those songs.

The Quiet Things...yes big time. Deja Entendu and The Devil and God... were their two best albums, imo, and are still in regular rotation.
Wasn't terribly keen on Spin or the Louder Now album it came from in general. Liar was on that album too, one of their biggest hits but I honestly felt the vocals and guitar had gone downhill for them at that point. With Taking Back Sunday it was their earlier stuff I prefer. Tell All Your Friends is my favourite which has Cute Without the E. Where You Want to Be is damn good too.
Reply 13
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
When I was 14/15 years old my mates loved MCR thanks to the The Black Parade album, but I felt they were too soppy and didn't have the edge I liked at the time. I did quite like the song Teenagers at the time, but I just didn't like the emo vibes at all and their sound just didn't carry the exactness that I wanted.
Back then I enjoyed (and still very much enjoy these days) obscure music that not many people know about from the metal, alt rock and metalcore genres. Bands like Mudvayne, Staind, Alter Bridge, Saliva, TrustCompany and Seether were among my favourites, and I felt quite alone because nobody else around me enjoyed these bands like I did.
I saw MCR as part of the mainstream simply because its success was astronomical, and why the band and its music got a load of attention while the music I found and thought was great didn't get a presence over here. I've always thought that the mainstream music scene in the UK was restrictive and narrow. I know easy-listening is the central vibe we get now, but even beautiful songs from American bands get no attention over here. I don't know why this is at all, but I always feel like an outcast when it comes to music tastes.
I know this whole thing doesn't matter, we listen to the music we love and it doesn't matter if anyone else enjoys it as long as we do, I just don't get why some music gets uber popular and some doesn't.
What do you think of MCR and do you feel similarly to me about them. Also what are you favourite MCR songs?

i love mcr, i like modern punk and alt rock a lot, so they're right up my street
my favourite songs are sleep and demolition lovers

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