The Student Room Group

When is resale and transfer available for Reading festival?

I brought tickets to Reading festival on ticket master but can no longer make it. When is resale available so I may be able to sell them?

Alternately, would it be possible to transfer my ticket to my friend so she can go instead of me? When does transfers open?
Original post by caroline138
I brought tickets to Reading festival on ticket master but can no longer make it. When is resale available so I may be able to sell them?

Alternately, would it be possible to transfer my ticket to my friend so she can go instead of me? When does transfers open?

i’m looking for reading tickets however the price has gone up insanely is there anyway you’d be willing to sell them to me. i’m looking for saturdya tickrts.
thank you
Reply 2
Original post by megan_24
i’m looking for reading tickets however the price has gone up insanely is there anyway you’d be willing to sell them to me. i’m looking for saturdya tickrts.
thank you

Hi I have a weekend really cheap 280? Would u be interested I need to get rid of
Original post by megan_24
i’m looking for reading tickets however the price has gone up insanely is there anyway you’d be willing to sell them to me. i’m looking for saturdya tickrts.
thank you


I was just looking for this exact question, and I actually also have Saturday day tickets that I’m no longer able to attend. Did you still need these???

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