I have received offers to study CompSci at both Edinburgh and Manchester. I have also applied to Cambridge, Imperial and Durham but am waiting on them to make a decision.
If I receive an offer from Cambridge or Imperial (which I know is a long shot in my case), I will undoubtedly go for them. If I get an offer from both, which is even more unlikely, I will keep Imperial as firm and Cambridge as insurance.
My question is this: If I make one of my top two my firm choices or I don't get into either of them, which universities in my list should I make my firm and insurance choice in each scenario?
I went to the Durham Open Day and I really liked the facility while I was there but the downside is that town felt extremely quiet and didn't really have to sort of buzz I am partial to (though that is not a necessary requirement in making a decision). Additionally, while Durham ranks well on UK rankings, it is somewhere in the 70s, 80s on the QS world rankings which makes me appreciate my other universities slightly more (as they are higher up in the rankings).
I couldn't attend the Edinburgh Open Day but it is extremely well known and world renowned for its research into AI so I felt as though that couldn't be an opportunity to waste. Other than Imperial, it is my second BEng course in the list and I quite like the course structure as it combines both practical applications and theoretical knowledge for a given scenario, which is far rarer in the BSc degrees offered by Durham and Manchester. Edinburgh also scores well in the QS world rankings for CS (number 20 I believe?) and this makes the offer to accept even more attractive and it even has the city vibe I quite like.
I didn't know what to pick as my safety option so I picked Manchester as it is well regarded in the CS field. I also like the city vibe there so it felt like a good choice. It is ranked above Durham for CS so I felt that it was worth taking a shot at it. I couldn't attend the Open Day due to other circumstances but from what I hear (I had a close friend who went to the Open Day, who also applied with Manchester as their safety), it was very good.
What should I do? Please help me, TSR Gods.