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English literature NEA - marxism HELP

Hi I’m in year 12 and trying to be proactive by reading my NEA texts early. I’m really unsure on what text to do for Marxism. Many have recommended 1984, however as it’s a popular choice I’m sceptical.
Reply 1
Original post by Samiaaax
Hi I’m in year 12 and trying to be proactive by reading my NEA texts early. I’m really unsure on what text to do for Marxism. Many have recommended 1984, however as it’s a popular choice I’m sceptical.

Good idea thinking about it early btw

Initially I wanted to do 1984 for Marxism but my teacher advised against it because lots of people do it (I think only because I am one of the better students and she wanted to see something unique). I think it would definitely work, but just make sure its excellent and has some unique perspectives/interpretations etc to make it stand out, especially since its a coursework piece

I used some Kafka short stories and they have worked really well with Marxism, but I think Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment would also be a really good prose text to use as well (if you are a stronger candidate). To be honest, there are loads of books for Marxism, so just Google some which interest you, that is, if you don't end up choosing 1984.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by yzven
Good idea thinking about it early btw

Initially I wanted to do 1984 for Marxism but my teacher advised against it because lots of people do it (I think only because I am one of the better students and she wanted to see something unique). I think it would definitely work, but just make sure its excellent and has some unique perspectives/interpretations etc to make it stand out, especially since its a coursework piece

I used some Kafka short stories and they have worked really well with Marxism, but I think Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment would also be a really good prose text to use as well (if you are a stronger candidate). To be honest, there are loads of books for Marxism, so just Google some which interest you, that is, if you don't end up choosing 1984.

have you completed your coursework? If you don’t mind me asking. I will definitely continue to look for some more unique texts, and keep 1984 in mind. Thank you
Reply 3
Original post by englishstudênt
have you completed your coursework? If you don’t mind me asking. I will definitely continue to look for some more unique texts, and keep 1984 in mind. Thank you

yes I have, not handed it in yet tho
(edited 1 year ago)

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