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Wanting to study A levels as an adult - help!

Hello everyone!

I took 4 A levels but dropped out in year 13, so i basically have no a levels right? (tons of family problems, then a marriage and a divorce in between).

So I'd be looking to take on 3 A levels for the first time (because I intend to complete them this time!!).

I had taken bio,chem,physics and maths the first time around.

I'm stronger at scientific theory than mathematics honestly, so I'm thinking of taking bio,chem,physics.

I'm 22 now.

My dream is to end up studying medicine. What are my chances? Is it too late for me?

Also - I live in London. Does anyone know any good colleges for adults where I could study? Would unis for medicine accept my A levels if I chose an online college to study from instead of a physical?

Please help me.

Thank you!

If it makes any difference my GCSES were:

8 English language
9 Biology
9 chemistry
7 Physics
6 Maths (i can retake this i dont mind if needed).
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi! It’s amazing you are wanting to start your alevels again, such a big step, i am proud of you. Also your gcse’s as an overview look good enough for most med schools entry requirements.
Answering your question, as far as i am aware if you are over 18 and meet the entry requirements for the med school, there is no age limit so it isn’t late at all to apply for it!

This is from another post I thought would be helpful ‘You will also need to do relevant work experience. I would recommend looking through the resources in the medicine forum as there should be some threads providing advice for work experience there. You may have some more options for work experience due to being over 18 (making certain kinds of work experience more accessible as there aren't insurance limitations on the provider) but others may not be-available due to being schemes offered through school for school students. So definitely something to keep in mind and explore your options for as well.’ I believe work experience will help you make a better choice and will give you so much to talk about in your personal statement and interviews!

Lastly, yes! Universities general attitude towards online A-Levels in the UK is the exact same as physical A-Levels. If you obtained the grades they require, there should be no further problems with the fact you completed your learning online.
I thought i would also mention, there is another long pathway that you could take for medicine if you don’t do good in your alevels- there is a course known as interdisciplinary science at Leeds university, i am sure other universities would do it too but you need CDD as a typical alevel offer where you will be progressing onto your wished course if you meet the specific requirements but there are some additional entry criteria. Hope it helps!

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