Hello everyone!
I took 4 A levels but dropped out in year 13, so i basically have no a levels right? (tons of family problems, then a marriage and a divorce in between).
So I'd be looking to take on 3 A levels for the first time (because I intend to complete them this time!!).
I had taken bio,chem,physics and maths the first time around.
I'm stronger at scientific theory than mathematics honestly, so I'm thinking of taking bio,chem,physics.
I'm 22 now.
My dream is to end up studying medicine. What are my chances? Is it too late for me?
Also - I live in London. Does anyone know any good colleges for adults where I could study? Would unis for medicine accept my A levels if I chose an online college to study from instead of a physical?
Please help me.
Thank you!
If it makes any difference my GCSES were:
8 English language
9 Biology
9 chemistry
7 Physics
6 Maths (i can retake this i dont mind if needed).