The Student Room Group

Psychology to Tech

Im very keen in getting into tech, particularly cyber security. How can i get into this industry coming from a psychology background? Please recommend any resources and courses that are recognised by employers.
Hi there!

I moved your thread into the careers and jobs / STEM careers forum, where you're more likely to attract an answer to your question :smile:
Original post by RRT99
Im very keen in getting into tech, particularly cyber security. How can i get into this industry coming from a psychology background? Please recommend any resources and courses that are recognised by employers.

I'd expect the general requirement for that to be a degree in a STEM subject such as Computer Science, Math or actually Cyber Security. You'd also need to aim for a 1st degree, and although a 2:1 (sometimes even 2:2) is the minimum requirement, the market may be inflated with graduates so there is a lot of competition. Doing a 12-months job placement before graduating will also help a lot.

Have a look at the graduate programmes for this area and see the general requirements -
(edited 1 year ago)

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