Think about why you are applying for the course and try to convey that motivation through the personal statement.
Link your background experiences to the degree or even just some aspects of it by talking about the soft skills you gained.
Highlight your motivation to learn by talking about any self-learning experiences, such as reading books, watching webinars, going to a lecture/exhibition/etc., completing online courses, attending hackathons, following any new trends or projects on the news, and more...
Talk about what is it about CS that appeals to you - is it the mathematical side of it, the hardware, data, networks...do you enjoy the problem solving or the creative aspect of it?
Describe any personal projects that you've done: it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something that shows interest in the subject and interest in learning.
Don't forget to talk about yourself as a person too - any soft skills you have that are useful to the degree. Communication, organisation, planning, time-management and responsibility-handling, teamwork, problem-solving, goal-setting, etc.
Get it done as soon as you can! The more you write it, the easier it gets! It's better to write a draft that you hate, than nothing at all. After that, you can review your PS, ask for feedback from your teachers (!), family and friends, edit and refine it. Having some sort of rough draft will allow you to better figure out what your personal statement is lacking and improve it.
Last reply 2 days ago
I used AI for my personal statement; would i get flaggedLast reply 1 week ago
Making an Optometry and Radiography Personal statementLast reply 1 month ago
what kind of things look good on a personal statement that i should do?Last reply 2 months ago
URGENT PLEASE Issue with Personal Statement and AI