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What a levels should I pick

Hi I am having trouble with the a level choices I should chose , I would naturally say I am inclined to maths so that is one and wanting to do economics to pursue a economics or finance degree, but I am uncertain wether I should pick further maths and computer science as 4 or just to pick computer science as a third
So either maths,fm,comp,economics
Or maths,comp,economics
Beacuse I read that further maths students seem to have an advantage but asking to see wether It is actually worth it
Ps-predicted mostly 8
Will my workload to social life be balanced if choosing the 4
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Take a look at politics! Quite useful for econ at uni!
Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Physics or Psychology or Chemistry.
Hi I am having trouble with the a level choices I should chose , I would naturally say I am inclined to maths so that is one and wanting to do economics to pursue a economics or finance degree, but I am uncertain wether I should pick further maths and computer science as 4 or just to pick computer science as a third
So either maths,fm,comp,economics
Or maths,comp,economics
Beacuse I read that further maths students seem to have an advantage but asking to see wether It is actually worth it
Ps-predicted mostly 8
Will my workload to social life be balanced if choosing the 4

Hi there,

I would suggest starting with all four (including further maths) and seeing how you find it. Then there may be a possibility of dropping further maths if you don't find it enjoyable or the workload is too much. You may want to check with your future college that this is allowed first, it was at mine but every college is different.

Just to add that for a lot of economics/ finance degrees at university you don't actually need an A-Level in economics, some may ask for an A-Level in Mathematics though. I would encourage you to still take it if you are interested though.

Amy (Lancaster Student Ambassador) 🙂
Hi I am having trouble with the a level choices I should chose , I would naturally say I am inclined to maths so that is one and wanting to do economics to pursue a economics or finance degree, but I am uncertain wether I should pick further maths and computer science as 4 or just to pick computer science as a third
So either maths,fm,comp,economics
Or maths,comp,economics
Beacuse I read that further maths students seem to have an advantage but asking to see wether It is actually worth it
Ps-predicted mostly 8
Will my workload to social life be balanced if choosing the 4

Maths, Economics, History and Computer Science Gives you the widest range of options.
I would say if you are naturally inclined to maths then you should definitely take further maths

most unis require maths for an economics course - economics and further maths aren't required but it looks bad if you are able to take a level economics but chose not to as it shows a lack of interest
also further maths is strongly preferred for higher tier econ courses like at Cambridge
Just to agree with others, if you’re thinking of applying to Oxbridge, Imperial, or LSE then taking Further Maths is highly recommended. If not, then go with Maths, Economics, and a 3rd subject that you enjoy, maybe Computer Science or even something like Physics/Chemistry. A levels are a long old slog so make your life easier, pick 3 subjects you know you can do well in. Don’t worry too much about which subjects you “need”, universities will be pretty flexible if you do well in maths, (that’s the most important thing).
To conclude, I would say Maths, Economics, and Comp Sci is a very good combination and will allow you to study a lot of maths related degrees at uni, if you want to try out a 4th subject then go for it, you can always drop it at the end of year 12 if you want.
Reply 7
Original post by Bo77 Tman
Just to agree with others, if you’re thinking of applying to Oxbridge, Imperial, or LSE then taking Further Maths is highly recommended. If not, then go with Maths, Economics, and a 3rd subject that you enjoy, maybe Computer Science or even something like Physics/Chemistry. A levels are a long old slog so make your life easier, pick 3 subjects you know you can do well in. Don’t worry too much about which subjects you “need”, universities will be pretty flexible if you do well in maths, (that’s the most important thing).
To conclude, I would say Maths, Economics, and Comp Sci is a very good combination and will allow you to study a lot of maths related degrees at uni, if you want to try out a 4th subject then go for it, you can always drop it at the end of year 12 if you want.

Thank you
Hi I am having trouble with the a level choices I should chose , I would naturally say I am inclined to maths so that is one and wanting to do economics to pursue a economics or finance degree, but I am uncertain wether I should pick further maths and computer science as 4 or just to pick computer science as a third
So either maths,fm,comp,economics
Or maths,comp,economics
Beacuse I read that further maths students seem to have an advantage but asking to see wether It is actually worth it
Ps-predicted mostly 8
Will my workload to social life be balanced if choosing the 4

Hi there

If you are interested in taking four subjects, I would recommend trying it out.

It is always possible to take 4 subjects, then dropping one if you feel like the workload is too much. Taking 4 subjects can certainly be an advantage, but there are other ways to boost your application for University, or future job opportunities. These could include: work experience, volunteering, extra-curricular work.

I hope this helps.
University of Kent Student Rep
Original post by Wired_1800
Maths, Economics, History and Computer Science Gives you the widest range of options.

I would say maths, economics, history and further maths actually gives the most options. Nearly all unis for any computing based degree will really want further maths and don’t acc require comp sci. If you’re predicted 8s trust me you’ll be fine. I strongly recommend this combination as it gives you the most ideal subjects and so makes you a stronger candidate.
Original post by Nat4695
I would say maths, economics, history and further maths actually gives the most options. Nearly all unis for any computing based degree will really want further maths and don’t acc require comp sci. If you’re predicted 8s trust me you’ll be fine. I strongly recommend this combination as it gives you the most ideal subjects and so makes you a stronger candidate.

That’s reasonable, but I think studying computer science would provide an introductory background. I am personally not a fan of one pursuing both maths and further maths.
Original post by Wired_1800
That’s reasonable, but I think studying computer science would provide an introductory background. I am personally not a fan of one pursuing both maths and further maths.

yes fair enough, guess it just depends if op likes maths enough to pursue both lol
but both give them a good range
Original post by Wired_1800
That’s reasonable, but I think studying computer science would provide an introductory background. I am personally not a fan of one pursuing both maths and further maths.

Why? It's essential for some courses and both + 2 makes 4 A levels manageable
Original post by Muttley79
Why? It's essential for some courses and both + 2 makes 4 A levels manageable

I agree that it is essential for some courses. I personally favour a wider approach to A levels than narrow.

As the OP is already taking Maths, i think a different subject would provide a wide range than F. maths. Just my opinion.

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