The Student Room Group

Is CGP good for A level?

I am currently in Y12, and I am struggling to pick out information from the official exam board textbooks, I was wondering if CGP is good enough for A level. The subjects I do are Sociology, Geography, Business I am aiming for at least an A grade.

Please let me know !! :smile:
Original post by Jacob__UK
I am currently in Y12, and I am struggling to pick out information from the official exam board textbooks, I was wondering if CGP is good enough for A level. The subjects I do are Sociology, Geography, Business I am aiming for at least an A grade.

Please let me know !! :smile:

CGP revision guides are useful but need to be used alongside other revision methods. I use CGP for geography and biology and they are quite useful but you also need to do practise questions and active recall (I use flashcards for this)
Reply 2
Original post by flowersinmyhair
CGP revision guides are useful but need to be used alongside other revision methods. I use CGP for geography and biology and they are quite useful but you also need to do practise questions and active recall (I use flashcards for this)

Would you say it contains the information needed to get an A grade? Or does it miss out some things on the spec, I also do AQA geography and noticed it missed out on theory of plate tectonics in this case, what would you do?
Original post by Jacob__UK
Would you say it contains the information needed to get an A grade? Or does it miss out some things on the spec, I also do AQA geography and noticed it missed out on theory of plate tectonics in this case, what would you do?

Probably not because I know for the case studies, mine are different to the ones in the revision guide. You need to be aware of those things and use other things as well to help you revise (like your own notes, flashcards, etc.)
Original post by Jacob__UK
Would you say it contains the information needed to get an A grade? Or does it miss out some things on the spec, I also do AQA geography and noticed it missed out on theory of plate tectonics in this case, what would you do?

CGP books miss out on A LOTTT of the content, its basically like a summery of what you need to know in a way. for A's and A*'s I suggest going to a teacher and asking what the best revision/ textbook is for that course because I know for a fact they give other examples, its just theyre usually a lot more expensive but totaly worth it I find. Like for my subjects I downloaded the cgp versions but bought the ones the teacher told me to get because everyone uses CGP but theyre not perfect and not enough to get A's. But yh, i think you should go to a teacher, sorry if im too late to this
Reply 5
Original post by flowersinmyhair
CGP revision guides are useful but need to be used alongside other revision methods. I use CGP for geography and biology and they are quite useful but you also need to do practise questions and active recall (I use flashcards for this)

Do you use your own flashcards or do you buy them from somewhere else? I find it takes too long to make the flashcards and then revise them and doesn't leave enough time for past papers etc
Original post by Bistec
Do you use your own flashcards or do you buy them from somewhere else? I find it takes too long to make the flashcards and then revise them and doesn't leave enough time for past papers etc
I use my own flashcards but I make them online because it is quicker and then I can't lose them either
Reply 7
Original post by flowersinmyhair
I use my own flashcards but I make them online because it is quicker and then I can't lose them either

Do you cover all the content? I've done that too but it just takes so long (for GCSEs) so for A level I was thinking about ordering flashcards online (which has led me to this post) since that would allow me to spend more time on past paper questions.
Original post by Bistec
Do you cover all the content? I've done that too but it just takes so long (for GCSEs) so for A level I was thinking about ordering flashcards online (which has led me to this post) since that would allow me to spend more time on past paper questions.
It is better when you can make your own flashcards as you can tailor them to your needs and it is also better to make the flashcards as you go along (like once a week covering the content you did that week for example)
Reply 9
Original post by flowersinmyhair
It is better when you can make your own flashcards as you can tailor them to your needs and it is also better to make the flashcards as you go along (like once a week covering the content you did that week for example)

Ok thank you I will try this when I start Year 12 and see how it goes instead, thank you :smile:

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